Example sentences of "[prep] order to concentrate [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Observers suggested that election of a Gorbachev ally would enable him to surrender completely the day-to-day running of the party in order to concentrate on the presidency .
2 The aims of these two movements , in so far as they touched on the rites of death , were sharply dissimilar : the Evangelicals aimed further to sanctify death as the gateway to immortality ; the Benthamites wished to demystify death in order to concentrate on the material means of increasing human happiness on earth .
3 This involves the exclusion of other areas of their lives in order to concentrate on the matter in hand .
4 I guessed I had no more than four minutes before he got back to base , so I began to count on the old one-and-one , two-and-two , and so on principle in order to concentrate on the job in hand without looking at my watch .
5 She went home that night having had to bring all her professionalism to bear in order to concentrate on the job in hand .
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