Example sentences of "roughly [art] same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But since justice is not justice unless even-handed , so that one man gets roughly the same treatment from the courts as another in comparable circumstances , and since the law requires that compensation be awarded for physical injuries , and the only kind of compensation which the courts can award is money , the courts are compelled to make a pragmatic solution .
2 If all leaves are at roughly the same depth d , and the number of children per internal node is fixed , say n , then this is 1 + n + n + n + … + n
3 Brugg , on a direct road to the north-east should be visited , and so should Baden , just off the motorway in roughly the same direction .
4 You 'd have to compare it to the Rickenbacker 650 reviewed last month — roughly the same price , but a much slicker guitar — or maybe a Hamer Special , if your tendencies are more Gibson-orientated .
5 A Daghestan-quality Caucasian rug is roughly the same price , and would therefore be classified as zero per cent ( 0% ) ; whereas a standard Afghan , which costs between a third and twice as much , will be marked as +35/100% .
6 At this time the lift was passing about 150,000 tons per annum and , although a vertical lift , it was of roughly the same capacity as that at Foxton , which would therefore require similar maintenance .
7 The two types of engines occupy roughly the same space but it would be no mean feat , particularly now , to make the major alterations necessary to fit other than Rolls-Royce engines and the integrated British-built train .
8 This is because the differences are in general not categorical : the ‘ dialect ’ is a property of the community , and every native speaker has roughly the same kind of access to it and roughly the same knowledge about it .
9 The figures seem to suggest otherwise : robot orders by American firms reached a record $514m in 1989 and — despite a softening American economy — they were at roughly the same level in 1990 .
10 If you can find a partner of roughly the same level , this is an excellent way of practising .
11 Items mentioned in the first section are at roughly the same level of difficulty as the chapter they accompany .
12 With a base of 100 in 1975 , the relative costs in 1980 of bus and coach stage fares were 237 while the costs of motoring had reached only 193 , roughly the same level as the Retail Prices Index .
13 However , it is good practice to make sure that both your sale and your purchase file are kept at roughly the same level .
14 Still try to feel that you are swinging down and through and your follow-through should travel roughly the same distance as your backswing ( photos 3–6 ) .
15 Some three hundred kilometres in a north-westerly direction , the Faroe Islands are roughly the same distance from Shetland as are Aberdeen to the south and Bergen in Norway to the east .
16 A large pine table , with a collection of different chairs , is the focal point of the dining area , illustrating perfectly that a mix of furniture designs can work well together provided they are made from roughly the same colour wood .
17 Roughly the same proportion of pupils gained each grade each year , the proportions more or less determined by past years .
18 Roughly the same proportion of women and men regularly go out of their homes on a social basis .
19 Now , what we 've got here is a lump of wood roughly the same shape trying to be a cricket bat , and if you hit a ball with it , the ball will travel about ten feet and you will drop the bat and dance about shouting ‘ Ouch ! ’ with your hands stuck into your armpits .
20 By the time the draw takes place the audience will have had an eyeful of Loren and an earful of Pavarotti , who was once a deep-lying centre-forward and is now roughly the same shape as the ball .
21 As a rule , snakes have simple teeth , all roughly the same shape , long , pointed and directed backwards when the mouth is closed .
22 They are all about the same size — only a few centimetres long — with roughly the same shape , slim , approximately rectangular , with high foreheads and small pouting mouths .
23 If there were such a mechanism , if a cloud resembling a weasel or a camel could give rise to a lineage of other clouds of roughly the same shape , cumulative selection would have the opportunity to get going .
24 Although Pentium has roughly the same performance as Mips Technologies Inc 's R4000 , a mid-range RISC processor , Pentium ‘ is going into production more than a year after the R4000 , and it has about 2.5 times as many transistors , even though the caches are the same size . ’
25 Although Pentium has roughly the same performance as MIPS Technologies Inc 's R4000 , a mid-range RISC processor , Pentium ‘ is going into production more than a year after the R4000 , and it has about 2.5 times as many transistors , even though the caches are the same size . ’
26 MIPS claims all RISC chips offer roughly the same performance and that its R4400 96 SPECint89 score puts it in the same league as HP , distinguished by its significantly lower price and wide availability .
27 Based on the 93.7ins platform of the new three-door Tercel , the Paseo is roughly the same size as the CRX , but more practical .
28 With about 20,000 inhabitants , it was roughly the same size as these two English towns , and was just as provincial and bourgeois in character , but its people really knew how to live .
29 It seemed that everyone had to be classified according to height and weight so that they would compete against boys of roughly the same size in the school sports at the end of the year .
30 The Sleipner field has reserves of roughly the same size as the depleting Frigg field , ( some 200 billion cu.metres ( 222 MTOE ) , with the addition of 250 million barrels of condensates .
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