Example sentences of "pulling [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , we certainly thought we were climbing , the wife and me , you know with all that pulling ourselves up over the rock and all , and what with the fact we were , well , in a manner of speaking , how can I put this , em , climbing up to the top . ’
2 Pulling himself wearily to his feet , he walked to the window , drew aside the curtain and gazed out at the blackness .
3 He proclaimed triumphantly , pulling himself up to his full five foot six inches , his face aglow .
4 Then pulling himself up to a great height , he went on .
5 He leant on his desk top , waiting until the last of them was seated , then stood upright again , pulling himself up to his full six feet .
6 Hands was pulling himself up among the sails now , the knife between his teeth .
7 As he was scrambling up the steepest bit , pulling himself up by the bracken , he heard something .
8 He sighed and set off up the stairs again , pulling himself up by his hands on the thick , frozen rope fixed to the outside of the staircase , the castle 's concession to their earlier request for a handhold on the often ice-slicked steps .
9 Pulling himself up from the floor he stood before the dying fire , his short fat legs and large stomach making Michael feel sick inside .
10 Pulling himself away from the older man , he ran after Maisie , who was now somewhere out in the road .
11 John gets down under the bed , awkwardly pulling himself forward with his elbows .
12 ‘ Bastards , ’ said Mallachy , pulling himself upright in his seat to stare .
13 From a business in crisis , ICI Fertilizers is pulling itself back into viability by concentrating on the needs of its customers .
14 Pulling herself up to her full height , Sarah glared at her .
15 Not trusting her voice , she shook her head , and , pulling herself up into a sitting position , watched him walk away .
16 Aggie mumbled something in her throat ; then , hastily pulling herself up from the couch , she said , ‘ Well , now we all know where we stand , so let's eat .
17 Pulling herself together with an effort , she gave him what she hoped was a cool look .
18 Pulling herself together with a visible effort , she managed to glare at him .
19 Pulling herself out of the dazed state into which the woman 's embittered words had thrown her , she tried for a non-committal tone .
20 When you are pulling yourself out of a swamp you do not consult a road map .
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