Example sentences of "laid it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She walked across to the dresser flattened the cheque out and laid it beside the bucket .
2 Tuan Ti Fo smiled and , taking a blanket , took it across and laid it over the child .
3 Folding it up carefully , he laid it across a chair .
4 Then she took the willow twig , laid it across the bull 's withers and secured it in place with a rope tied firmly beneath the soft folds of flesh on the underside of the neck .
5 I was there when they took the Enchantment of the Beastline and laid it across the Silver Loom , and I was there as it fell to shreds in their hands .
6 He took off the heavy overcoat he was wearing and laid it across the top of the filing cabinet .
7 He lifted it , as if he were about to kiss it , laid it for an instant against his cheek , then restored it , still captive , to his knee .
8 There was not a needy person among them , for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them , and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles ’ feet ; and distribution was made to each as any had need' ( Acts 4:32 , 34–5 ) .
9 Nicholson laid it on a piece of black velvet that lay on the work top , allowing his visitors to get a better look at the tiny object .
10 ‘ Anyway , Charlie made it really simple for me , there were two guys at the back who could n't stand up and he laid it on a plate for me .
11 He took her protesting hand , and laid it on a thick roll of tablecloths between their bodies .
12 I took my gun out of the closet and put two bullets in the magazine and laid it on the table beside my bed .
13 Louis carefully folded his handkerchief into a square and laid it on the deck beside his chair .
14 For the first time he smiled as he took a cigar from his case , laid it on the desk .
15 She laid it on the floor of the car .
16 He took the flare from its bracket and laid it on the top of the trap-door .
17 The teacher then took a length of string , cut it to the height of the child and laid it on the ground on top of the shadow of Leanne .
18 He frowned , pulled the napkin from his lap and laid it on the table as he stood up , shrugging apologetically to his mother , seeming to indicate that it was the kind of thing that had happened before , from time to time .
19 Having shown his concern for the problems of multinational capital , Barry then laid it on the line for the Cork objectors : ‘ These objectors must accept that the public and voluntary bodies involved in scrutinizing polluting industries are genuinely concerned and responsible . ’
20 She took off her hat and laid it on the table , and he saw with a sense of shock that her hair was white down the line of the parting where the tinting had grown out .
21 She put out her hand and laid it on the book , then said :
22 Gentle took off his heavy coat , and laid it on the chair by the door , knowing when he returned it would be warm and covered with cat hairs .
23 Then , on 11 April 1951 , they drove the stone to Arbroath and laid it on the altar of the ruined abbey , draped in the saltire flag of St Andrew .
24 He hefted the pistol towards the window , laid it on the sill , cocked it , put a percussion cap beneath the hammer , directed it at some sepoys trotting below , and pulled the trigger , confident that a sepoy would throw up his arms and sink to the ground .
25 He took a 78 from the shelf in the cabinet , wiped it with a fat hand , and laid it on the turntable .
26 The situation called for some drastic action and so I laid it on the line ; either they won this game or I would resign .
27 He hastily unfastened the shoulder holster , too , and laid it on the table , then crossed to the fridge , found a can of 7-Up and drank deeply .
28 Donna pressed the ‘ End ’ button on the phone and laid it on the table .
29 Donna took the envelope upstairs with her and laid it on the bedside table .
30 She made an offering of flowers and fruits , spurred pennants of scarlet heliconia from the rainforest , blue-blushed rue and sorrel vines with tendrils trailing , and laid it on the pit .
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