Example sentences of "versions of the same " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , as has been noted earlier , all character dance movements must be more strongly marked both physically and musically than the demi-caractère versions of the same steps .
2 She then traces the development of the novel from the fifteenth century through increasingly complex versions of the same ‘ open structure ’ , thereby linking the production of specific instances of narrative with a particular stage of psychic development .
3 If we are concerned with recreational WW touring we should study WW paddlers in plastic boats although we can also study suitable competition paddlers to determine the high performance versions of the same moves .
4 All offered amended versions of the same basic life enjoined in the Rule of St Benedict .
5 This is one of several versions of the same subject ; the original was painted in 1763 .
6 These are two versions of the same garment , the Tramontana being an over-the-head style with a half zip , and the Chinook being a full-zip jacket .
7 When asked how he has chosen between the various versions of the same subject by Titian , Laclotte says that he has simply aimed for the best .
8 Not painted for a specific location and comprising canvases of different dimensions , the frieze was a pool of images from which Munch made withdrawals for sale , replacing the pictures which he had plundered with new versions of the same composition .
9 The Star 's fuller reports gave a vivid illustration of two starkly contrasting versions of the same incident .
10 The fruit is the enlargement of Magritte 's known oeuvre by as many as 200 works , never previously illustrated , which Sylvester and his team have recovered from private collections , and a serious attempt to unravel that most taxing issue of the existence of different versions of the same composition and of different images which carry the same title .
11 Schwinger and Tomonaga — who shared the Nobel prize with Feynman — produced equivalent , if less picturesque , versions of the same formalism by more conventional arguments .
12 However , within a CAD system not only is there a temptation to keep lots of versions of the same part , but every entity stored costs something to maintain throughout its natural life .
13 The Degas , Turner and Monet shown are all in private collections and should not be confused with the better known versions of the same paintings in the major galleries .
14 The Rev Hammer stands resplendent in battered hat , pleated hair and a grin so friendly he might even stand a chance of getting in the Camden Palace , and announces ‘ There 's two shcools of folk — the scholars with 27 different versions of the same sea shanty , and the get drunk/dance a lot/make free love … this is the lot I 'm interested in ! ’
15 First of all it brings out the functionalist point that the different " aspects " of social relationship , in the fields of kinship , economy , politics , law , religion etc. , are all versions of the same thing .
16 The Federal Assembly had accepted a compromise only on March 29 , whereby different versions of the same title were to be used in the Czech Lands and in Slovakia [ see p. 37326 ] .
17 Answer guide : This example serves to illustrate the problem already identified with the microcomputer as the software has high development costs but can be superseded either by new versions of the same software as is the case for Lotus 123 , Word Perfect , etc .
18 no multiple versions of the same file specification exist on the primary directory
19 The Rev Hammer stands resplendent in battered hat , pleated hair and a grin so friendly he might even stand a chance of getting in the Camden Palace , and announces ‘ There 's two shcools of folk — the scholars with 27 different versions of the same sea shanty , and the get drunk/dance a lot/make free love … this is the lot I 'm interested in ! ’
20 Moreover , cost-push writers tend to subscribe to several versions of the same basic hypothesis at one and the same time .
21 Two pavements from Verulamium provide almost identical versions of the same figural scene ( pls. 13 and 14 ) .
22 Where the present study differs from this previous research is in the way it develops from a comparison of alternative versions of the same story .
23 Indeed , the comparative analysis of two versions of the same text may be undertaken from a number of linguistic perspectives ; it has been the concern of this article to suggest but two of this range of possible models .
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