Example sentences of "expected [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The group expected economic recovery in 1993 .
2 They all expected each member of the staff to express — discreetly — particular and intense interest in their child .
3 If Krupp commanded his armies of workers , Richard Wagner expected total subservience from his audience .
4 In seemed that the Minister expected little opposition in Parliament , where all MPs were members of TANU .
5 BCCI expected further losses for 1990 of around $450 million , and was reportedly planning a radical rationalization when its assets were seized .
6 What with John 's new fitness programme , and the salutary Atlantic air and everything , I myself expected some kind of halfhearted renewal .
7 Anyway , at Stevenage Town Hall we told Ralph that we expected some money for these .
8 Perhaps he expected some protest from Constanza , a declaration , perhaps he hoped for it .
9 He obviously expected some sort of reaction .
10 He smiled and lifted his champagne glass to his lips and Ruth expected some sort of challenge thrown out but none came and a strange feeling percolated inside her , almost disappointment , but she shooed away the notion .
11 ‘ Galadriel , ’ muttered Gilly , not that she expected this bale of blubber to manage her real name .
12 As a former member of his Household explained : ‘ He never expected this kind of reaction .
13 I expected this place to be in chaos — instead , it 's an oasis of calm .
14 erm so that y so that you expected this sort of measure of service and if you were told the , if you were told the circumstances you might have said well that 's okay , no problem .
15 It had always been generous in terms of sick pay and sympathetic and understanding towards employees with family problems , though it expected high standards of dress and deportment and lateness , absenteeism and incivility were not tolerated .
16 Dr Neil was not in any way surprised at McAllister 's reaction to his lovemaking ; he expected such modesty from a well brought up young girl , and her arms around his neck , her timid responses , fluttering though they were , told him that she felt for him what he felt for her , and further inflamed his own passion , while warning him to go gently .
17 By 1875 politics in the Czech countryside was conducted in more sophisticated terms , and those who expected national salvation from supposed kinsmen of ‘ people 's emperors ’ , ancient or modern , would probably feel a little embarrassed to admit it .
18 During what I call the period of uneasy peace , 1983–84 , Mr Heinz expected all options to be examined and costed in detail .
19 Sentiment has not been helped by sharp profit downgrading from such pillars of Japanese business as Sony , Matsushita and Pioneer , though computer group Fujitsu recently said it expected current profits to be modestly increased .
20 Almond and Verba , for example , found that an overwhelming majority of Britons expected equal treatment from politicians and from bureaucrats .
21 He expected limitless serenity of a man half Indian , and indeed Thomas had sustained the expectation for twenty years or more .
22 At Calais the peg-legged porter unloading the baggage with as much agility as his able-bodied fellows became , in my over-heated imagination , a victim of Verdun , and such was the exotic evocation of ‘ foreign soil ’ , that I think I expected northern France to be totally distinct from southern England — almost like another planet .
23 In early October , as Mrs Thatcher — flanked by her Cabinet — received a nine-minute standing ovation at the close of a successful party conference , few expected any challenge to her in the leadership election which had to be held within 28 days of the start of the new parliamentary session , due to open on 7 November .
24 Observers said they expected pro-reform supporters of President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani to win 70 per cent of the 270 seats .
25 Because the emphasis was on family placements , residential workers and families expected other plans to be made .
26 Reviewers would put ‘ When I first heard the name I expected four guys in Factory haircuts ’ .
27 The price of this pragmatism has been to disappoint those who expected radical changes after Independence .
28 And last night top U.S. military commander General Colin Powell said he expected Western jets to be enforcing the zone within two weeks .
29 Many commentators expected significant defections from the LDP to the PPP following Aquino 's endorsement of Ramos .
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