Example sentences of "tends [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This creates a kink in the firm 's perceived demand curve at its current price-output pair ( the levels of which are , however , unexplained ) which then tends to remain the same despite changes in marginal cost , because of a discontinuity in the firm 's marginal revenue at the kink .
2 it tends to elongate the whole process .
3 The enthusiasm generated by this approach can , however , blind ; the simplicism , the ‘ nothing butism ’ as Julian Huxley would have said , of reducing all functional explanations of complex behaviour to calculations concerning the relative fitnesses ( see p. 42 ) of gene-bearers tends to miss the major significance of human beings to other human beings .
4 Kyle and Allsop ( 1982a ) examined how recent research on deaf children tends to confirm the usual findings of poor speech and reading performance .
5 They feel , in a world that tends to cultivate an oversimplified and idealized image of normality , members of an abnormal , deviant group .
6 On these grounds ( but not on others ) , the implications of objectification have much in common with a whole series of critical writings which argue that representation or symbolism , as a relation between signifier and signified , tends to promote the unproblematic assertion of the signified ( for example , the modern conception of the self ) rather than investigating the mechanisms by which these are constructed in the symbolic process itself ( e.g. Coward and Ellis 1977 : 122–52 ) .
7 This tends to induce a slight swing out of wind on touchdown , which is useful .
8 This rather crude form of collegial evaluation tends to induce a certain kind of conservatism in teachers , an attachment to existing classroom methods which appear to be reasonably successful in keeping results high and noise levels low .
9 The best example of this and of the way in which Switchboard tends to mirror the mainstream gay ( and still mainly male ) community lies in the organization 's response to AIDS .
10 On admission a person tends to lose an individual identity .
11 Theoretically , we might expect this to be so , since the same environment tends to support the same kind of organisms , but in fact the persistence of some fossils appears to go far beyond what we know at the present day .
12 Ehrenpreis 's approach , while fruitful in some respects , tends to treat the poor as an object to be observed from the outside even if it is with ‘ rapt interest ’ .
13 If Corys can be seen to make repeated dashes to the aquarium surface , this tends to indicate a low oxygen level ; a high nitrate level , and/or low pH .
14 THE physics of tiny particles tends to attract the big : big machines , big budgets and big personalities .
15 The silvery cimbalom effects of the Hungarian Fantasia suit it well , but it tends to impose an all-purpose plushness on the two Concertos .
16 Modem glass also tends to contain a greater range of other metals such as arsenic and zinc .
17 It will penalise people on low incomes who do not qualify for discounts , and through the banding system it tends to benefit the rich .
18 The possibility that books may be needed at some future date tends to encourage a defensive strategy of retention .
19 But this approach tends to neglect the monetary effects of budgetary decisions .
20 Fig. 9 : a toroidal core tends to concentrate the magnetic field tangentially producing the same sensitivity pattern as a pair of bar cores .
21 This integration of production across national borders tends to increase the overall volume of world trade because a good changes hands at various levels of production and not just at the final stage .
22 All things considered , then , the left claims that pluralism tends to provide a top-down view of British politics .
23 Middleclass youths are often ‘ mouths ’ but rarely become gougers because the latter require an element of ‘ pure badness ’ , which from the view of the police tends to exclude the middle classes , for ‘ pure badness ’ derives from being ( or appearing to be ) educationally subnormal , coming from ‘ bad homes ’ , or having a history of crime .
24 Unfortunately this is the least glamorous of any of the activities of a busy public relations office and it tends to receive the least attention .
25 In Africa the press , like television , tends to serve the political , social and economic élite : these are the people who can read , can afford to buy a newspaper and are likely to be living where newspapers can be bought .
26 TESTING for a short list of illicit drugs has been labelled as myopic , since the working population as a whole tends to abuse a vast pharmacopoeia of legal but impairing substances , many of them heavily promoted by distilleries and pharmaceutical firms .
27 The adoption of this form of reification in legal reasoning tends to conceal the distributive aim behind a rhetoric which is superficially compatible with liberalism .
28 Further , since witchcraft represents a wanton defiance of commonly accepted standards of decency and propriety , the fear of being so accused tends to exert a constraining effect .
29 Valuable as this account is , in its necessary emphasis on Scrutiny and Cambridge it tends to obscure a wider perspective covering the full range of cross-currents within English during the inter-war period .
30 This type of alteration in the appearance of the eye goes on all day , as the animal moves from light to shade and back again , and it is so common a shift that it tends to obscure the other pupil changes that are taking place .
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