Example sentences of "hoped for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In theory , the captain of a ship was entitled to take into his ship as midshipmen , volunteers , or captain 's servants any of the sons of his friends who hoped for a naval career , but in practice even this form of entrance patronage was limited and largely in the hands of flag-officers , for it would be a captain with a liking for half-pay who would refuse the requests of an influential admiral .
2 one Friday , having done my weekend cleaning and baked a batch of bread during the day , I hoped for a good night 's rest , but I scarcely had retired before my labour began .
3 We hoped for a continuous flow of information and exchange of art and culture between the two countries .
4 The US , by far the world 's wealthiest and most powerful state , also hoped for a stable , expanding world economy where freer trade would prevent a return to the depression and unemployment which had led to militant nationalism in the 1930s .
5 As a development geneticist , I hoped for a personal synthesis of the subject viewed from a different perspective .
6 The United States was similarly dismayed , for it still hoped for a Labour electoral victory and an eventual political settlement with Jordan .
7 They and other committed Europeans like Germany 's Chancellor Helmut Kohl hoped for a massive endorsement to put all their plans firmly back on track .
8 He was 18 , fed up with everything Scotland had to offer , and hoped for a fresh start in the USA .
9 Mr Kearsley said he hoped for an out-of-court settlement .
10 He just shut his eyes and hoped for the best .
11 Maybe that 's just me , but that 's how I feel … there 's no warmth … just red paint around the outside and then a few splodges gone over with different coloured paint and [ he ] hoped for the best
12 I did not really know what to expect away from the National Health Service and my mum , and so , armed with a small library of books and the good wishes of a Jamaican midwife at Homerton hospital , I just hoped for the best .
13 The queue on Sat am was outrageous , and I was told that the end of it would n't get Oxford tickets , so I just left and hoped for the best with the fax request .
14 After re-packing her case , she fervently hoped for the last time , she had a wash , and because it looked sunny and warm outside dressed in a skimpy vest with a blouse over the top , and a rather strange Fifties-style skirt covered in poppies .
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