Example sentences of "commonly [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before the introduction of the potato the versatile root of the silverweed was commonly boiled in water , roasted on the fire , or dried and ground into meal for bread-making or porridge .
2 It answers some of the questions commonly asked about meningitis .
3 In favour , are facts such as : ( a ) When a relative clause is attached to a clause as its head , then it is introduced by the " which " marker which follows noun phrases , and not the " as " marker used for verbs and verb phrases : ( 65 ) the mountain which they want to climb is Mount Elburz he swept the yard as he was instructed ( 66 ) McRowen queried the call , which infuriated the umpire McRowen queried the call , as ( it ) infuriated the umpire ( b ) Clauses take , in bigger clauses , positions that are commonly filled by noun phrases : ( 67 ) Marples heard the news ( 68 ) Marples heard that the soup was contaminated This is true even of so-called adverbial clauses : ( 69 ) Peggy realized her error after Christmas ( 70 ) Peggy realized her error after the Christmas season was ended
4 Grain overgrowth cements ( or conformable cements ) commonly develop on quartz and feldspar detrital grains and on some skeletal carbonate fragments ( Fig. 5.26 ) .
5 Stylolites are commonly formed within carbonate sediments where cementation takes place early in the sediment 's diagenetic history .
6 Severe , sometimes fatal , hepatitis has been most commonly reported in association iwth the use of diclofenac and sulindac , Although fatalities have also been reported with the use of naproxen and indomethacin .
7 Money itself is commonly blamed for unpleasantness in human character , attitudes and behaviour .
8 Seven of the nine types of bird most commonly occurring on farmland were ‘ significantly more frequent ’ in hedgerows on organic farms .
9 While course outlines , statements of course objectives etc are commonly prepared by college libraries , they are rarely documented in university and polytechnic libraries .
10 This commonly results in vowel alternations in morphologically related pairs with /Ε/; and /α/,; as in table 5.1 .
11 A Late Classic tomb , placed prominently on the main axis of a truncated pyramid west of the West Plaza of the majestic site of Tikal in Yucatan , yielded a splendid chest ornament depicting a head , identified as that of the sun-god Kinich Ahan , wearing a grotesque head-dress , ear-plugs and a necklace resembling those commonly made of jadeite .
12 Ornament also was commonly made in terracotta , often in the form of panels and friezes .
13 And it 's commonly written as gamma .
14 Anxiety is commonly intermingled with fear and takes the form of restlessness ; it is a mental anxiety and uneasiness that makes the patient toss and turn , get up and walk about , move from place to place , one position to another but they become so weak that eventually , in very serious diseases , he is prostrate even to having a deathly aspect .
15 It is this sort of criminal behaviour which is commonly seen as characteristic of ( if not central to ) mass , urban society .
16 It appears to favour grouping on city pavements outside office blocks and is most commonly seen around mid-morning or between 12 noon and 2pm .
17 It is particularly commonly seen in highland New Guinea , an island where spineless forms of the sago palm , Metroxylon sagu , have been selected ; several fruit-trees are encouraged if not actively cultivated there .
18 Denial is found in any situation of acute stress and is , for example it is commonly seen in bereavement , redundancy , dismissal , divorce and in major disease or injury .
19 Even the planning step is commonly done by pattern matching or some similar technique which does not involve keeping alternatives .
20 Yet they are commonly sited in dark and inaccessible places , and we really do not know how often , if at all , they were generally seen , within the period and culture in which they were made .
21 It is relevant here to ask the simple question of how processes commonly related to intelligence are predictors of sign language learning .
22 Diseases of the liver and digestive system , motor vehicle accidents , accidents in the home and mental disorders are all commonly related to alcohol , and drinking also impinges powerfully on the work of social services , where child abuse is often related to parental drinking , and on the work of police and probation services .
23 Such hydration expansion commonly occurs in response to changes in relative humidity which , since they are closely related to temperature , may be diumal .
24 At the west end the narthex is commonly enclosed as part of the church which thus resembles a square in plan .
25 Our hypothesis is that specialised type CLO predisposes to the development of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus because of increased proliferative activity and that tumour development occurs in patients exposed to an environmental carcinogen most commonly ingested in cigarette smoke .
26 The mandible is commonly preserved in predator assemblages , and its variations in shape and structure provide information on a variety of alteration processes .
27 Oblique divergence is most commonly accommodated by transform offsets along a mid-oceanic ridge crest , while oblique convergence is resolved by the complex adjustment of lithospheric fragments along the plate boundary .
28 Of these four , the West African species is the most commonly offered for sale .
29 The type of work we most commonly meet in chemistry is expansion .
30 Other tree species commonly growing in association with oak include beech , silver birch ( Betula pendula ) , mountain ash ( Sorbus aucuparia ) , ash , holly , yew and Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris ) .
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