Example sentences of "passing through [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The " Transfrontier Highway " will run for 6 , 929 kilometres , passing through six forest reserves and 22 homelands of native Indian groups , including the Yanomami .
2 Attach the blind to the batten and thread each cord through its corresponding screw-eye , then out to the operational side , passing through each screw-eye it passes .
3 The north shore road is an attractive one , passing through colourful lakeside villages with lush floral growth because of their favourably sheltered south-facing exposure .
4 At the infrastructural level , the highways and transport system of Israel , Gaza and the West Bank were developed in such a way that it became increasingly easy to drive from Israel direct to one of the West Bank Jewish settlements without passing through Arab population centres .
5 I knew our modern bungalow on the village outskirts overlooking the Carse was n't as grand as Andy 's mum and dad 's house , which was practically a castle and stood in its own estate : ponds , streams , statues , lochs , rivers , hills , forests , even the old railway line passing through one corner of it ; one big garden in effect and vast compared to our single acre laid to lawn and shrub .
6 As the Sun is passing through that part of your solar chart traditionally related to hopes , you should now be in fine fettle and not unduly affected by others ' lack of support .
7 Er there was a worry that well first of all the effect just the the appearance of the road passing through that area , clearly obviously concerns about development but that can be on on any route that can happen .
8 They were passing through pleasant country — hunting country , she knew , with open tracts of undulating land among the cultivated fields , offering a good many jumps and lengthy runs for the hardy spirits who rode to hounds .
9 These deeply cut ravines might not seem too demanding , but some of them give unusual approaches to the high moorland plateaux , passing through impressive rock scenery which can offer the simple joys of scrambling , often above deep pools linked by cascades and waterfalls .
10 Where it ends , do not continue on track past nature reserve notices but look for narrow path bearing left and passing through small copse on to area of grassy heathland ( b ) .
11 Thus in the army of Frederick II it was a rule that when passing through wooded country in which escape would be relatively easy infantry units must always be surrounded by cavalry patrols ; and that when detached to fetch wood or water ordinary soldiers must always be accompanied by an officer .
12 Because the cells are sickle cell shaped and rather rigid they have difficulty passing through fine blood capillaries , and this results in the tissues not having enough oxygen , causing anaemia .
13 Inter-village hostility may include the abduction of women or the murder of a member passing through alien territory , while a series of deaths in a village may be interpreted as the result of sorcery on the part of other villages .
14 In addition , activities — whether due to muscle exercise , mental effort , or the excitement associated with social interactions — will alter the amount of nervous activity passing through this region of the brain .
15 Er but but simply the fact it was passing through this area of land that was regarded by locals as being sacred and separating the two communities .
16 From this moment on the sailors were passing through virgin territory , with unknown coasts , increasingly terrifying seas and temperatures that went steadily downwards day by day .
17 As you breathe out , imagine the breath passing through any part of your body that feels stiffer aches .
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