Example sentences of "occur [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( d ) Party ties are less strong in committee and defeats do occur for the Government .
2 Adding the percentage of retrospective completions and the percentage of errors ( discrepancies ) provides an estimate of the maximum percentage of errors that could occur for the entries in paper and pencil diaries such as those used in clinical trials : 2%+15%=17% for the morning and 9%+15%=24% for the evening .
3 This would not necessarily occur for the risk ratings since these may have been initially quite high because of the drivers ’ unfamiliarity with the car when giving the first ratings .
4 In these situations we commonly know or think we know of many of the conditions which must occur for the occurrence of the event .
5 Even if the initial reaction to proposed change is generally positive , rethinking can occur during the change as consequences become clarified .
6 Such problems do not usually occur during the day because the plants and algae present in the water will be photosynthesising .
7 Whilst no-one can predict with certainty all the problems which will occur during the life of a firm , it is important that certain basic matters be attended to from the outset in relation to the conduct of the partners and their responsibilities .
8 Hall , Kaye , and Pearce ( 1985 ) have pointed out that just as latent inhibition can occur during the CS-US pairings of excitatory training ( producing a fully trained CS+ that will form further associations only slowly ) , so latent inhibition can also be expected to occur during inhibitory training .
9 EXPERIENCE shows that contractors will build a contingency into their tender which caters for problems that might occur during the project .
10 It may be very difficult to obtain accurate colour photographs of quartz luminescence because the shift to red may occur during the time of exposure .
11 Thus , reversible binding of calmodulin to the channel complex in response to changes in the level of Ca 2+ has the effect of increasing the sensitivity of the channel to small changes in cGMP which may occur during the photoresponse .
12 A situation that could occur during the lifetime of a product , system or plant that has the potential for human injury , damage to property , damage to the environment or economic loss .
13 Although changes at the sensory-motor synapse might occur during the habituation of the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex , they have not yet been formally shown to be either necessary or sufficient for that behaviour .
14 For example , trust may not occur between the norming and performing phases at all .
15 of contested cases were dealt with in less than six weeks , and further noted the delay that can occur between the defendant 's first contact with the police and the issue of the summons .
16 We can now turn to the possible conflicts that can occur between the marketing department and other departments .
17 This may occur through the return on assets being higher than the growth in earnings or salaries .
18 If , however , the requirements are not well defined or the system design is not capable of meeting all the requirements , then much unnecessary fire , smoke and water damage may occur through the system failing to control the fire quickly .
19 One source of difficulty and confusion which , as we shall see , has survived the statutory reforms associated with the Contempt of Court Act 1981 is that interference with justice as a continuing process may occur through the medium of a particular criminal or civil case .
20 This strategy assumes that a reciprocal rebalancing of power in the work' group will occur through the emergence of maintenance behaviours ; in fact , a very different set of relationships may emerge , and not without some intra-group conflict .
21 Revolutionary ideas in science , such as the idea of evolution by natural selection ; quantum physics itself ; plate tectonics , or the genetic code , can occur through the action of single , high-influence ideas , or through the summation of numbers of small , accretionary pieces of evidence .
22 It is to be hoped a change of attitude will occur as the credibility of abseiling as a legitimate activity in its own right grows .
23 Alternatively , a new discovery might occur as the result of an accident , as Roentgen was led to the discovery of X-rays by the constant blackening of photographic plates stored in the vicinity of his discharge tube .
24 Similar but more diffuse changes may occur as the result of a generalised myopathy , or the substrate may be provided by primary or secondary muscle hypertrophy .
25 This is within the range of diumal temperature change in many hot deserts and precipitation will occur as the temperature rises or falls across this value .
26 ( 3 ) You must leave tomorrow , Clearly , in our experience , the leaving must occur after the obligation which exists at the moment of speaking .
27 They may therefore occur after the ingestion of all 5-ASA containing formulations .
28 The regularity of your periods should not be affected , but some bleeding may occur after the fitting or between periods , especially at first .
29 However , if such problems are secondary to a mood disturbance in one or other partner , considerable improvement may occur after the introduction of appropriate medication .
30 With modern antibiotic therapy , death from strangles is almost unheard of , but there are several complications which can occur after the disease .
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