Example sentences of "glanced at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Prince glanced at a clock .
2 According to Lincoln 's recollection subsequently , he glanced at a map in his office and decided within ten seconds that the 38th parallel was the correct demarcation line between the zones of American and Soviet occupation .
3 Frau Nordern glanced at a menu , ‘ And the prices have hardly gone up at all . ’
4 But meanwhile , I will give you a prescription for some pills which should help to relieve some of your anxiety and then suppose we say , provisionally … ’ she glanced at a diary at the side of her desk , ‘ you come here next Monday at the same time ? ’
5 He glanced at a piece of paper .
6 She glanced at a piece of paper .
7 He glanced at a list of his evening engagements : Peter Stothard 's and Andrew Neil 's party , the Young Conservatives ' Ball , and a late supper with the Lamonts .
8 I understand you have been nursing ’ — she glanced at a note — ‘ Mr William Charles Francis since Saturday night ? ’
9 She glanced at the screwdriver he still held in his hand .
10 He glanced at the window , and the boy nodded .
11 I glanced at the window .
12 And then she glanced at the window ; the darkness outside was complete .
13 She glanced at the windows , where the rain had almost ceased .
14 Rachel glanced at the first-aider who was holding Len 's head .
15 Anne glanced at the phone worriedly , then at Robyn 's ashen , panic-stricken face .
16 Morse glanced at the phone on the table beside the settee , but let the matter rest .
17 Occasionally I glanced at the TV screen that was showing events already taking place .
18 He glanced at the TV on the chintzy sideboard ( bobbing basketballers ) , he glanced at his watch ( the movement limp and stoical ) , he glanced at me .
19 Polly glanced at the compass , tried desperately to imprint the numbers on a brain that seemed to have gone completely blank , then looked round at him .
20 He glanced at the compass , they were about 15 degrees off course .
21 She glanced at the red , uneven features , the fair hair dusted with grey .
22 She glanced at the back of each print , hoping for a name or a date or some other clue , but there was nothing .
23 Ronni glanced at the back seat and instantly saw what he meant .
24 She glanced at the road ahead , a road that seemed to just shoot upwards at a terrifying angle .
25 Suddenly conscious that he was flashing past vehicles which appeared to be dawdling , he glanced at the speedometer .
26 Culley glanced at the mugs on the filing cabinet .
27 She glanced at the passenger-seat beside her .
28 She glanced at the man , and he said , ‘ Yes ; yes , six . ’
29 Edward took the boots and glanced at the man sitting in the chair .
30 What are you doing here ? " he asked , but before Patrick could reply , he glanced at the man holding him .
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