Example sentences of "grateful for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I should be grateful for the Financial Secretary 's guidance on these two points .
2 Grateful for the low lights , she gritted her teeth , hopeful that her companion would n't be aware of her reaction .
3 Arne comes in from next door first thing and last thing and fills the hob for me , and I 'm grateful for the extra comfort . ’
4 I concede that the Chemical Industries Association could have done better and am grateful for the extra publicity ( Chem .
5 I wonder the British do n't bath in it as well , thought Sally-Anne naughtily , but she was grateful for the extra cup , and for the sandwiches which Miss Mates brought in with it for them both .
6 Her cheeks pink , she took a deep breath , and , enormously grateful for the solid bulk of Leo at her back , she stepped inside .
7 All the Argentines adored him and nicknamed him Señor Gracias because he was so grateful for the smallest favour .
8 One must be grateful for the smallest grain of humour from the Germans .
9 ‘ Darling , you always were more than grateful for the smallest things that anyone did for you , but in future you 'll be able to turn to me . ’
10 Is my right hon. Friend aware that an enormous number of people in Herefordshire are very grateful for the spectacular increase in knee and hip replacements that has taken place in that health authority 's area during the past 10 years ?
11 Others are grateful for the additional money but believe that the ISF should work more closely with government agencies .
12 I am grateful for the constructive way in which my hon. Friend is addressing the problem .
13 She was grateful for the small privacy of her sunglasses .
14 Thus she was constantly grateful for the unfailing vigilance and support of her Chief Wren .
15 I am also grateful for the unstinting help of those who staffed the stall and baked as well .
16 As we stepped into the street , behind the others , as grateful for the iced Cokes in prospect as they were , she whispered to me : ‘ You are doing well , Adolph .
17 Kate hugged her mother in return , grateful for the warm body contact between them , but she could n't stop herself from crying .
18 I am grateful for the right hon. Gentleman 's question .
19 We are grateful for the continued support of .
20 Claudia shook her head , grateful for the other woman 's offer .
21 DISAPPOINTED charities were only grudgingly grateful for the estimated £30 million boost to their income announced by the Chancellor yesterday .
22 By the time the timpani signalled a perky rapprochement of the Chichester Psalms and the Young Person 's Guide , having long ago left Berg behind , there was every reason to be grateful for the consistent vigour of the solo writing and to admire Zukerman 's unstinted flair in putting it across .
23 He fell silent , but his face was shadowed by the memory of a very personal anguish , and Maria could be grateful for the merciful ignorance that had carried her through those same six years in which he had been so haunted .
24 ‘ A promise , ’ Merrill confirmed , grateful for the friendly strength of his warm hand .
25 ‘ That 's all , ’ I said , grateful for the sacred formula .
26 All I reckon we can do is be grateful for the good service , as you say Tim , and get on with what 's left — and that is quite a lot .
27 Honor found herself pressed to take the only available chair , grateful for the cool liquid which quenched her thirst and gave her time to regain at least some of her self-possession .
28 She was grateful for the cool drink , however , and for the really tasty snack .
29 It was North who , by his own account , rushed into Reagan 's television room during the evacuation of American students from Grenada in 1983 , desperate that the students might forget ( on network television ) to be grateful for the American invasion that had freed them ; when the first student said ‘ Thank God for America ’ , Reagan hugged him , and told him he ought to have faith .
30 I was grateful for the Foreign Secretary 's friendly reference to me at the Conservative party conference , and his acceptance of my expertise on one subject — even though it was only the cinema .
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