Example sentences of "to send [pers pn] to the " in BNC.

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1 The campaign has been given additional clout this weekend , with referees under instruction to dismiss instantly anyone guilty of head-high tackles on or off the ball , and not to send them to the sin-bin where they have gone too often in the past .
2 The parents of 26 children refused to send them to the designated school and instead made arrangements for tuition to be given to them by , inter alios , a volunteer retired teacher , in rooms above a public house .
3 ‘ Well , I 'll get Mum to send them to the Tower then , how about that ?
4 ‘ ( 1 ) Whether it is for the buyer to take possession of the goods or for the seller to send them to the buyer is a question depending in each case on the contract , express or implied , between the parties .
5 I shall want to send them to the department in Whitechapel Hospital , but I 'm sure they 'll confirm — ’
6 ‘ He kept asking where he could send flowers and whether it would be better to send them to the hospital or to here if she was coming home . ’
7 If I get 100 's of replies I will have to send them to the list anyway .
8 Erm I 'm er rising to take the opportunity to sum up the debate er for those of us on this side of the house and to say that on this side of the house we do welcome these orders actually coming through , delayed though they are and er besmirched though they are by the usual examples of government incompetence in failing to send them to the scrutiny committee in the proper manner to allow the usual processes to take place but wi that 's par for the course these days .
9 She wants to send them to the same private boarding school as her other partially sighted son , but her local council has refused .
10 ‘ I kept sending the demands back and when I went in I was told not to worry , they had to send them to the last known address .
11 ‘ I 'm going to send you to the hospital , Rosie . ’
12 For an unintelligible speaker to learn to speak intelligibly , it may not be the best training , and certainly it is not the only training , to send him to the pulpit of Boston parish church .
13 And meanwhile Garbett was still spreading doubt on whether to send him to the see of London was the best way for the Church to use the best scholar on its bench of bishops .
14 In November 1819 the poverty of Kitto 's family finally forced them to send him to the workhouse , where he was set to learn shoe making .
15 And when William came back from Germany and a decision had to be made about his education , he argued that it made sense to send him to the state school , the same as Preston .
16 ‘ Sometimes , he would lose his temper and start breaking the furniture ; and his family decided to send him to the maison de santé at Gheel .
17 During 1941 Hillary persuaded the Air Ministry to send him to the United States on a speaking tour .
18 Groom stood her ground and , eventually , as a way out of the impasse , telephoned the Woman 's Page editor in London , who advised her that , as she was already in France , she should do the interview and would have to send it to the Ashleys for their approval before publication .
19 Where a defendant sends a document to the plaintiff instead of to the court , the plaintiff is required to send it to the court straight away .
20 ‘ But even though they had nothing at the ports , if you offered one of them a bar of chocolate or a pack of cigarettes they would turn it down and tell you to send it to the Front . ’
21 Got to send it to the Mirror have n't you ?
22 You got to send it to the address
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