Example sentences of "revealed [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 What I did get away with was arguably worse than murder , and revealed for the first time something of what I was letting myself in for by getting involved with Karen Parsons .
2 THE covert world of the SAS can today be revealed for the first time .
3 GRAHAM TAYLOR last night revealed for the first time what Paul Gascoigne 's return means to him .
4 Material collected in south-east Ecuador has revealed for the first time Triassic marine sediments with bivalves , as well as Jurassic microfloras and Cretaceous macrofaunas .
5 Her eye for the natural scene is revealed for the first time in her ‘ Alfoxden Journal ’ ( 1798 ) , the first fruit of the creative partnership between brother and sister which is celebrated at the climax of Wordsworth 's ‘ Tintern Abbey ’ .
6 The full cost of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster is revealed for the first time .
7 An S-A-S officer who led a mission to prevent the Gulf conflict spreading throughout the Middle East has revealed for the first time what happened behind enemy lines .
8 A depressing picture of a grey society is revealed for the first time in comparisons of the way people live across the UK .
9 The timings of the trains will be revealed for the first time and anyone interested is welcome to attend the meeting at St Mary 's Centre , Corporation Road , Middlesbrough at 7.30pm .
10 In the end the Lord Chief Justice , Lord Widgery , found for the publishers on the ground that , although confidentiality could be enforced in suitable cases , this was not a suitable case : the matters revealed in the first volume of the Diaries , being ten years old , were too stale to have any security aspect .
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