Example sentences of "to visit [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , if I ca n't come here , Linton can come to visit me at the Grange , ’ suggested Cathy happily .
2 He used to listen to American Football on the American Forces Network and was so enthused with it that he wrote to the American Embassy , who invited him to visit them for the day .
3 She was supposed to have the power of healing stomach aches , and people used to visit her during the hours of the siesta so that no one would know .
4 In return she showed them the Daimler and invited forty of them to visit her on the Dockers ' yacht , Shemara , where pink champagne was served amid costly fitments which were often detailed in the newspapers .
5 Mary had been brought up with her story which , for many in the valley — except her own generation , increasingly unable to visit her on the heights she chose for her seclusion — had gone cold long ago .
6 She wrote that she was dying of a fever , and asked him to visit her for the first and last time .
7 As a lover , he had bored her , but she liked the idea of his having to steel himself to visit her in the filthy venue she had chosen for their affair .
8 His wife was again allowed to visit him about the same time on the following ( or third ) day of custody .
9 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
10 An order may require the child to allow the supervisor to visit him at the place where he is living ( para 8(1) ( b ) ) .
11 He has a brother in Devon and a sister in Manchester and his mother travels from Exeter twice a year to visit him at the centre where she attends the pujas the daily services .
12 Faustus 's fate is also made clearer by the addition of a scene before the final chorus where the scholars come to visit him on the morning after his final hour and find his body torn in pieces ( V , iii , 1–19 ) .
13 ‘ Between the cup and the lip it has pleased the Great Disposer of events to visit him with the greatest of all afflictions in the bereavement of his most affectionate wife .
14 I always intended to visit him after the war , but you know how it is : things were difficult , I was confoundedly busy at the University , I did n't particularly want to see Viola again though you 've got to swallow the pill with the jam , have n't you , and there was no particular reason why I should n't see her again .
15 She lived in Paris , he at Croisset ; he would n't come to the capital , she was n't allowed to visit him in the country .
16 The girls were allowed to visit him in the clinic .
17 By April 1924 the head of every firm involved had received from Buckingham Palace a signed letter in Queen Mary 's own hand describing the Dolls ' House as ‘ the most perfect present that anyone could receive ’ , and an invitation to visit it at the Palace of Arts .
18 Sir I commend to you the expert evidence relating to the historic character and I hope sir when you visit this site , although it may look very different at this moment from the way it would have done had you been able to visit it after the originally scheduled date of this enquiry , when the daffodils were out ,
19 Last Wednesday we invited the 4 British students studying at the University to visit us at the hotel for dinner .
20 Her forehead shines whitely above the dark glasses ; she has not been well but the resting home has allowed her to visit us for the afternoon .
21 ‘ We would also like former pupils of the school , both locally and from more distant parts , to visit us during the celebrations , he said .
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