Example sentences of "neither [prep] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It was important to him that neither of them would be financially dependent on the other .
2 Taking souvenir pictures neither of them would ever live to see .
3 My father would rage and storm , not so much at my mother as to her , and against Helen and Pat in their absence , but in the end neither of them would say anything to either of my sisters .
4 Neither of them mentioned what had taken place outside the school and neither of them would .
5 Even when I said I was family — well , yes , I know it was n't true but it seemed near enough the truth to use to persuade them neither of them would give her away . ’
6 Anyway , neither of them would inform the police about him .
7 Neither of them would have engaged you .
8 Neither of them would know until his death , for instance , that he had a godson .
9 But if it had not been for Hillary Clinton 's TV performance and George Bush 's Japanese collapse , neither of them might now be ordering the removal vans .
10 But since it suits ill with his vocation , and perhaps bodes no good to — the other one — neither of them may be anxious to say it openly for all to hear .
11 But there remained one crucial detail , not covered by protocol , which neither of them could remember : had Sir Denis accompanied her to Buckingham Palace when she kissed hands with the Queen ?
12 Neither was short of opportunities to form new relationships , but somehow neither of them could be bothered to do so .
13 Her favourite partner was her father ; neither of them could serve to save their lives and most of the balls ended up scattered on the lawn , but they made a handsome couple on the court .
14 Neither of them could be described as a sobering influence .
15 Neither of them could afford to get mixed up in something that might involve the police .
16 It is clear that neither of them could call on the personal loyalty of the royal servants in the duchy .
17 Despite the bitter weather they strolled slowly along the Riva degli Schiavoni as though neither of them could quite bear the thought of the evening 's ending .
18 Besides , neither of them could have known how many there were . ’
19 Her expression hovered , as Derek suspected his own did , on the brink of admitting what neither of them could quite believe .
20 He moved up to kiss her while his hand continued to stroke her aching body , then , when neither of them could bear it any longer , he thrust into her , and she arched back , drowning under wave after wave of mounting pleasure .
21 At what point McAllister 's fears finally disappeared beneath his loving patience , and they began to make love in earnest , neither of them could have said .
22 She had planned to get over to her mother 's by the afternoon , but the day had been so rare that neither of them could bear to finish it .
23 At first , communication was something of a problem for the couple , as neither of them could speak the others native tongue , but this was soon overcome by a friendly interpreter .
24 It is clear that neither of them could call on the personal loyalty of the royal servants in the duchy .
25 But neither of them can match the pungency of the original , an atmosphere of beaujolais , cigars and malevolence , and of political or legal plots being brewed in the all-night brasseries of Les Halles .
26 Yet many of them come to terms with it magnificently , trying so hard not to add their pain to that of their children , in a situation that sometimes neither of them can alter .
27 It is a consequence of this view that if two things are related to each other in any way , then neither of them , strictly , can be said to be ontologically independent of the other , for in such a case neither of them can be fully described without presupposing the existence of both .
28 Neither of them can see .
29 If we are making up a play about the " Keeper of the Keys " , why do you think that neither of them can see ?
30 Erm , that neither of them can be here , they 're both attending the same meeting , 'cos I think it 's going to slow down progress , if that 's the case .
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