Example sentences of "meet the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As soon as the eggs meet the hot fat , they will harden and the mushrooms could never be mixed in with them .
2 As members of the Panel the Chief Executives of these organisations meet the appropriate mister at least once a year so that successive governments are aware of the problems and aspirations of the deaf and the hard of hearing .
3 Their house was the tallest on Thrush Green , and when we first meet the good doctor , in the book of that name , he is an elderly man contemplating retirement .
4 I meet the challenging gaze of Laverne T. J. Jr .
5 ‘ Now come and meet the chief sponsor .
6 Many meet the strictest safety standards but there are a few exceptions .
7 What for example , do we do if we , as relatives or patients , meet the rare case when a doctor is not a good doctor ?
8 b ) The User : the concern of " the user or recipient of the product will centre on whether or not the alternatives available meet the required operating or performance specifications .
9 Does the care they are offering or are likely to offer the child meet the required standard ?
10 Meet the new breed of enchantress , the spell-binding women who are taking the male bastille and giving it some earthily female perspective .
11 These days , I only play rock to keep up friendships and meet the new generation .
12 Might I suggest that before he ponders further , Mr Jencks has a listen to the Peter Townshend song Wo n't Get Fooled Again , where he will find the line , ‘ Meet the new boss , same as the old boss ’ .
13 We meet the New Age and are influenced by it in everyday life , yet few Christians understand its full impact .
14 They must , however , operate within their budget share and meet the actual cost of all expenditure , including staff pay , from that delegated budget .
15 In a little while , we meet the young woman hoping to make an impact at the world ladies ' chess championship .
16 This is important because it recognises that retailers may not have the knowledge or the resources to check whether the goods he sells meet the general safety requirement , especially in the case of second-hand goods .
17 But the geographical differences pale when they are compared to the deep threefold divisions which rend the city itself : of language ( four-fifths of the population speak French , only one fifth English and the smaller languages ) ; of culture ( the French-speaking part naturally looks to France and French literature for its mores , while the English-speaking part relies on the attachment to the Commonwealth and its close neighbour , the United States of America ) ; and of religion ( for the gulfs here are wider than the Atlantic as the former protestant cross-sectioning of Episcopalianism/Presbyterianism meets the Roman Catholicism of the French , and both meet the surging secularism and agnosticism of our day ) .
18 ‘ What else do you expect — when you meet the other half of yourself ? ’
19 That was where I met and still meet the only person I 'd call a friend ; Jamie the dwarf , whom I let sit on my shoulders so he can see the bands .
20 Quality control laboratory manager said : ‘ You have to be able to prove to the customer that you meet the highest quality standards .
21 Staying a virgin till you meet the right person — also a virgin — and … staying faithful to that one person for the rest of your life .
22 She telephoned him at lunchtime on Monday , and he seemed happy with her suggestion that they meet the following day .
23 One of the best known illustrations of inversion is the model on a Euclidean plane , such as this page , that the French mathematician Henri Poincaré made of the non Euclidean ‘ hyperbolic ’ plane , A Euclidean plane is one that obeys Euclid 's famous fifth postulate : in other words , given a line , and a point not on that line , only one other line in the plane ( a parallel to the first line ) can pass through the point and not meet the given line .
24 In a hyperbolic plane an unlimited number of lines can pass through the point and not meet the given line .
25 I think that people do n't want to see any more constitutional changes , but there are many more changes in the culture , in the way the Party operates at local , regional , and national level , which we will be addressing , but what we 're not going to have is more constitutional changes , because people feel that we 've made changes , we have moved the Party forward , we 're clear the direction we 're going in , and now the Party at all levels wants to address itself not only to building our membership , but also to showing how the policies we 've got meet the changed world outside .
26 SCOTTISH Universities will be represented by one of their strongest ever women 's sides when they meet the Scottish President 's select in the annual challenge match at the Pleasance , Edinburgh University , tomorrow , writes Sandy Sutherland .
27 Dad phoned me up the day before and , knowing I was about to go away on holiday , suggested we meet the next night , on the fourth of August .
29 When the operations condition is added , only records 94 and 122 meet the double condition .
30 Membership is open only to those who meet the strict education and industrial standards required and who accept the Code of conduct and the disciplinary procedures of the HCIMA .
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