Example sentences of "fall on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is done here , partly directly , as in the injunction to be like the serpent , and partly indirectly , in her perversion of such words as ‘ milk ’ or ‘ nature ’ , Her parting injunction to him is to ‘ look up clear ’ ( 71 ) , ‘ clear ’ meaning ‘ innocent , spotless ’ : the stress must fall on the verb , ‘ look ’ or ‘ seem , .
2 Meanwhile , the greater forces would be assembled in the forest : the fire in the sloop should act as a decoy , so that the army of over five hundred warriors could fall on the settlement while its defenders were distracted , sweeping down on them , while they flapped around the burning ship , from the rainforest where they would be concealed till then .
3 As everyone is close to the ground anyway they will not hurt themselves , except possibly the last one who could fall on the floor .
4 see that 's gon na , see what I mean , as we go along that 'll fall on the floor that , you 'll have it all over the place , put it away okay , get some petrol now on the way
5 Inevitably , if there were only two people in a stage play , the full weight of one actor 's criticism would fall on the other .
6 The initial reaction had been an assumption that shares would fall on the back of the changes in Advanced Corporation Tax and tax credits on dividends which , to put it simplistically , will suck £1 billion out of Britain 's pension funds , the largest providers of equity for industry .
7 Thus , as the BMA ( 1989 ) points out , ‘ these costs would be beyond the control of the general practitioners but could fall on the budget ’ .
8 That Flaubert , still damp from skewering boys in Cairo bath-houses , should fall on the name of Nabokov 's seducer of underage American girlhood ?
9 He says ’ It could be solved … but in that case it would mean paying twice … the cost would fall on the poll tax payer .
10 Holly smiled to himself , chuckled softly , because he saw in his mind the face of the man who had brought the food to the hatch , and he thought of the retribution that would fall on the cretin 's shoulders .
11 The CEGB 's case is likely to stand or fall on the economics of the project .
12 Others , such as the need to treat old military sites owned by the departments of energy and defence , will fall on the taxpayer .
13 It started with the assumption that 100,000 bombs would fall on the capital within fourteen days of the declaration of war .
14 For the government , acceptance of central planning did not stand or fall on the issue of nationalisation .
15 If the number of pleats across the knitting includes a half-repeat , with the pattern positioned symmetrically as above four and a half repeats would fall on the knitting as in Fig 7 .
16 ‘ I know suspicion would fall on the Prince , Lord Gaveston , the French , or even the King .
17 If one side of the package is replaced by a glass window , so that light can fall on the memory cells , then it is found that the incident light accelerates the decay process in manner proportional both to the intensity and to the duration of the exposure .
18 A party 's obligations may also be defined by a term providing that obligations which would otherwise fall on the contractor shall be borne by the other party to the contract .
19 ‘ I am sure , ’ Queen Margaret intervened smoothly , ‘ no suspicion of foul play can fall on the Cardinal 's nephew . ’
20 I then had the problem of having to stand , holding the gate up so that it would n't fall on the dog and by now there were three tractors and four cars blocking the road .
21 The black man let his hand fall on the bolt of cotton .
22 The more inelastic the supply curve and the more elastic the demand curve , the more the final incidence will fall on the seller rather than the purchaser .
23 If the price has been fixed on the basis that a particular fact is correct , the acquirer will agree that the risk of it not being so , even if no one could have known , should fall on the seller , since the seller will have been paid a price which assumed that the warranty was correct ; although no doubt the seller will point out that the business is being bought as a going concern and a business can not be carried on without risk .
24 This may well be resisted by the landlord on the basis that the risk of unlet property should fall on the tenant .
25 Out of curiosity , she let the light fall on the book doubled up under his elbow .
26 As the elder boy and Lan turned away in relief , the mandarin let his hand fall on the bamboo cane ; he rolled it between his fingers for a moment before glancing up at his younger son again .
27 — Ecclesiastes ; ‘ Doth the eagle mount up at the command / And make her nest on high … ’ — Job ; ‘ Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing ? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father . ’
28 While difficulties in calculating harm may impede the application of the ‘ harm-to-others ’ principle , the regulation of insider dealing should not stand or fall on the fact that proof of harm is difficult to acquire .
29 The lamp rests on the manuscript so that enough light will fall on the corner of the sofa in which the man sits in the evening to read his paper .
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