Example sentences of "speak the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the other holiday-makers did n't speak much English … but that 's the beauty of HCI , everyone is there to have a good time and you find you make friends even if you do n't speak the same language .
2 We do not speak the same language . ’
3 Many immigrant starlings pass through Shetland , particularly during the autumn migration period , but they seem not to mix with our birds — probably they do n't even speak the same language !
4 All members of the obstetric and midwifery staff should speak the same language and use the same method of classification — something that can be achieved only by regular meetings on cardiotocography .
5 Very likely he expects a bambina — even Constanza found they did n't speak the same language any more .
6 They could speak the same language , but there was almost nothing else in their past that they 'd shared .
7 So do we speak the same language ?
8 As scientific courses proliferated , so this aspect became more prominent ; the people working in particular sciences came to expect of each other that they would speak the same language , and gaps between physicists , chemists , biologists , geologists and so on increased .
9 And do n't forget that our users may not even speak the same language as we take our systems enterprise wide .
10 If the captives could not speak the same language , reasoned the slavers , they were unlikely to organize effective opposition .
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