Example sentences of "dealt [prep] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The third requirement ( that an objective should indicate the standard to be reached ) is probably the most difficult one to meet , for it embraces a whole range of problems and issues that are perhaps best dealt with under the heading of assessment .
2 Sick pay and maternity pay from your employer are dealt with under the PAYE system anyway , so you automatically pay national insurance contributions on them .
3 However , physically to move the records in line with this boundary reorganisation would have been a formidable and costly task , so enquiries continue to be dealt with under the old district boundaries .
4 However , if the applicant was happy to have the case dealt with under the procedure for public law cases , then there is no reason why the case should not proceed in this way .
5 Thirdly , the Convention may be silent both as to the substance of a particular issue and as to the law by which it is to be determined , in which case it is a question of construction whether the Convention covers the point or merely leaves it to be dealt with under the law applicable under the conflicts rules of the forum .
6 Formal links between sentences and between clauses are known as cohesive devices and they can be dealt with under the headings in 2.2 to 2.8 .
7 The committee observed at paragraph 18 that the fact that misappropriation of property was dealt with under the three separate heads of larceny , embezzlement and fraudulent conversion inevitably made for difficulty and complication .
8 Finally , there are underlying semantic connections which allow us to ‘ make sense ’ of a text as a unit of meaning ; these are dealt with under the heading of coherence and in Chapter 7 ( ‘ Pragmatic equivalence ’ ) .
9 The main body of that guidance consists of a detailed description of each room listed in the schedule , and dealt with under the headings of functions , fittings , furniture and equipment , services , finishes , area/shape , and relationship to other rooms .
10 The majority considered that such cases should in future be dealt with under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 , s.3(1) , which makes it a crime to procure a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse in any part of the world and that the penalty for this offence should be raised from two to five years ' imprisonment .
11 There are , indeed , a number of other matters dealt with under the Schengen Agreement which would appear to fall within the Maastricht ‘ Provisions on Cooperation in the fields of Justice and Home Affairs ’ .
12 The similarity of this western Atlantic subspecies to its eastern counterpart is dealt with under the REMARKS section of O. enopla veterna .
13 Those programmes still being funded by government also came increasingly to be dealt with under the customer-contractor principle .
14 In the event of a claim for damaged dentures plus a resultant mouth injury , the whole claim should be dealt with under the Medical and Emergency Expenses section of the policy , when only one excess would be deducted .
15 He said that , if the Bill is passed unamended , the preserved railways in Scotland would have to be dealt with under the Private Legislation Procedure ( Scotland ) Act 1936 .
16 Accordingly the use or threat of violence in connection with a prison mutiny can be dealt with under the general criminal law .
17 The Criminal Procedure ( Insanity and Unfitness to Plead ) 1991 was enacted as a result of major dissatisfaction with the way in which those found mentally unfit to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity were dealt with under the Criminal Procedure ( Insanity ) Act 1964 .
18 MAS services are dealt with under the following broad headings in this guide :
19 There is a further variation on the above procedure , which is that under section 2 of the 1936 Act steps can be taken at an early stage on grounds of the novelty and importance of the order , or because it deals with matters outside Scotland , to convert the order into a substituted Bill , in which case it goes through both Houses as a Bill and is not dealt with under the standard 1936 procedure .
20 These can be dealt with under the general headings , symmetry , intermolecular bonding , tacticity , branching and molar mass .
21 So out of the 16,000 Pathfinders I personally recruited from the very first day of my appointment to the Pathfinder Force , to the last day of the war , I am not aware of one occasion on which a member of aircrew , whatever his category , was dealt with under the terms of the AMO .
22 In the first of the examples given , so long as the profits of the business are remitted to be dealt with under the English partnership agreement and the same persons are partners of the English firm and of its overseas branch , the branch office practice will be covered by the Indemnity Fund .
23 This should ideally be dealt with under the insurance provisions , but should it appear in the provisos , the tenant should ensure that it is a bilateral right and that in any event the landlord shall not be permitted to terminate the lease until it has taken all reasonable measures to procure the rebuilding or reinstatement of the centre or the part so destroyed or damaged ( as appropriate ) .
24 There has been , I think has put it adequately very well , that there are members who 've turned up really for no real reason but to speak on a minor item which members of their group could 've taken on their behalf , and therefore erm , I , I do support that we need to look at that particular issue , and I think that can be dealt with under the present chairs arrange arrangement without having to have permanent chairs .
25 In all some 7,200 trading invoices were dealt with during the year and 1,500 stationery orders .
26 With the amount of work that was to be dealt with during the coming months his chances of getting away from the hospital much before eight or nine any evening were very slight .
27 Michael Heseltine , secretary of state for the environment , has said that implementation and enforcement of EC legislation will be ‘ very much in the front ’ of environmental issues dealt with during the UK 's EC presidency .
28 An examination of the Minutes will convey a picture of the wide range of other issues and problems which have been dealt with during the year by the Committee .
29 And at least some of the ( unpredictable ) variations caused by error and ambiguity in the input can be dealt with during the matching process .
30 So it would be futile to say that no more than three or four , or at the very most five , of these categories were dealt with during the whole of the period of the Pathfinder Force .
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