Example sentences of "approximately [art] same [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Its population is approximately the same as Britain 's but its Greenpeace has 600,000 members , double the British membership .
2 Since the average rate at which the foreign debt was raised was probably about 25 dinars , its dinar value in early 1988 was about 50 times as great , approximately the same as the change in the cost of living over the same period .
3 During the nineteenth century the absolute number of indigenous Siberians remained approximately the same as at the end of the eighteenth century , but their proportion in the total population of some five million fell to about 14 per cent .
4 In their Fig. 2 , both the warmer and colder climates considered may have had tropical temperatures approximately the same as the current climate .
5 The possibility that present sea level is approximately the same as an earlier sea level must be taken into account before attributing some of the present high cliffs of the British coasts to recent erosion .
6 If , on the other hand , there are many unstressed syllables between the stressed ones , then the unstressed ones are squeezed together , so that the time between the stresses is approximately the same as it was in the first example ( see the sentence " The weather we had last summer was awful " ) .
7 If the rational expectations hypothesis is correct we should find , provided that we have a large enough sample , that the coefficient estimated on each variable in equation ( 3.3 ) is approximately the same as the coefficient estimated on the same variable in equation ( 3.4 ) ; that is , β 1 should equal γ 1 , β 2 should equal γ 2 , and so on .
8 Most of the arbitrage and speculative activity on the floor of an options exchange tends to be in options that are " at the money " — i.e. those whose exercise price is approximately the same as the current spot price of the underlying asset .
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