Example sentences of "to save [pron] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 IF DODGE City and Tombstone had to wait for movie star-type heroes to save them from the outlaws who were over-running the communities , would they stand by the lawmen if it looked like the bad guys were n't going to stay beat ?
2 He only wanted the best for his people , of course ; to save them from the unjust regime of Sam .
3 And there they would greet the men that they knew , and collect what news they could , and visit the cess-pits more often than they would like to admit , while turning all the time to look up here , where the King their leader was deciding what was going to save them from the army of Northumbria .
4 It was all to save me from the Fiery Pit .
5 ‘ There is nothing I can do or say to save you from the wrath of God , or indeed from the wrath of your own father , poor man . ’
6 More than that , she nearly died to save you from the results of your own jealousy and spite .
7 Despite her determination to be happy , she still suffered from chaotic dreams , and quickly plunged into everyday activity to save herself from the terrors of her own mind .
8 " Combining mystery with history " : this was a phrase I invented ( or perhaps inadvertently cribbed ) for the blurb of the first novel I wrote under the pseudonym of Evelyn Hervey , The Governess , a story in which Miss Harriet Unwin in her first post as a governess in 1870s London finds herself accused of murder and has to pinpoint the real killer to save herself from the Old Bailey .
9 ONE of Prince Charles 's closest friends is to undergo surgery to save her from a crippling disease .
10 I felt the miserable decline of my happiness as I imagined the girl 's innocence and the futility of her mother 's efforts to save her from a cruel death .
11 It certainly was n't because he was trying to save her from a Fate Worse than Death .
12 If he was to save her from a lifetime 's retreat from life and love he had to move her along the right road as quickly as he dared and as quickly as she would let him .
13 His next letter offered her marriage to save her from the dreadful future of stripping off that she would be subjected to otherwise .
14 It was as if events had conspired to make her forget Ascot , Pendero , the fact that the most important person in her world had been clubbed to death because he wanted to save her from the fate that he had suffered .
15 In the hypothetical case of his son and daughter Gandhi would consider that he was acting out of moral considerations in taking his son 's life in order to save him from unnecessary suffering , and his daughter 's life in order to save her from the threat of violation .
16 And also after his reconciliation with Miss Havisham , for whom he gets hurt in the process of trying to save her from the fire and also because of how he wants so much to help Herbert .
17 Nigel 's wife was obviously such a monster , too , that it had to be any good woman 's Christian duty to save him from a fate worse than death , or at the very least to give him a little light relief .
18 The Great Britain forward , sent off for tripping Mike Ford in Saturday 's Regal Trophy defeat by Castleford , presented video evidence to yesterday 's Rugby League disciplinary committee , but it failed to save him from a two-match ban .
19 She genuinely cares for the boy and is determined to save him from a life of crime .
20 The same letter also indicates how certain heterosexual anxieties structured in and by sexual difference are projected by Lawrence on to the homosexual , a move which his critics sometimes follow in trying to save him from the taint of homosexual desire .
21 Only this managed to save him from the bullying which would otherwise visit a boy who practically lived within the works of Oscar Wilde .
22 Pip is initially horrified and recoils from the man but gradually comes to understand , and respond to , Magwitch 's love for him , and tries , with Herbert 's assistance , to smuggle the ex-convict abroad again to save him from the death-sentence he would face as an illegally returned transported criminal .
23 SOUTHAMPTON manager Ian Branfoot substituted hardman Terry Hurlock to save him from the red card .
24 Close to him was a girl who rocked a sleeping baby and , when she caught his glance , she smiled sadly and held the baby tighter to save it from the snow flurries .
25 The virtue of the Prince must be ‘ secured , like Ulysses , to the mast of the law , in order to save it from the seductive voices of flattery and vanity ’ .
26 They came out of the East End to save the charts from unrebellious tat and to save themselves from a life in and out of prison .
27 And she would have little illusion about being able to save anything from the low wages she would receive from any of the available jobs .
28 Compulsory Greek , we all agree , is indispensable for the upkeep of an empire ; but is compulsory Latin necessary to save oneself from an empire ?
29 ‘ If there is a god who is able to save us from the blazing furnace , it is our God whom we serve , and he will save us from your power , O king ; but if not , be it known to your majesty that we will neither serve your god nor worship the golden image that you have set up . ’
30 Nothing was said , but we all knew he had gone against his own convictions to save us from the pain of losing his company and his vital support .
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