Example sentences of "stands in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 This stands in contrast to most consumer specialised magazine titles which have seen a fall in sales .
2 Gilroy , for example , has argued against catch-all terms like ‘ Black ’ , ‘ Asian ’ and ‘ Afro-Caribbean ’ which imply homogeneous groups of people whose culture and way of life stands in contrast to some white norm ( Gilroy , 1990 ) .
3 The behaviour of the platinum complexes stands in contrast to DNA-targeting of alkylating groups by intercalating chromophores .
4 He stands in contrast to those prelates of his day , often trained in theology , who shunned close involvement in secular government and even openly opposed royal policies .
5 It is clear that an element of contrast is intended , with a meaning something like " in writing Othello , Shakespeare becomes an exception , and so stands in contrast to other writers ' .
6 Recognising that this stands in contradiction to the statements contained in the terms and conditions of engagement which they offer their casual workers , some organisations seek to make it clear that they are no more than " collecting agents for the revenue " .
7 As a building , it stands in testimony to the skills and industry of those who contributed in so many ways to its design , construction and furnishing .
8 The article leads you to wonder about her religious faith , if she has one , and about where it stands in relation to the outlook of the editor of Commentary , author of a book about his ambitions for worldly success : Making it must be the least pious book that has ever been written .
9 Now the fact that position is not a quality is certainly relevant to one 's awareness of the position of things ; it means that to be aware of a thing 's position it is logically necessary that one should be aware of how it stands in relation to something else .
10 But it is not relevant to a thing 's having the position it has ; it does not mean , for example , that to have the position it has , a thing must be aware of how it stands in relation to something else .
11 The aim of the exhibition is to show the quality and variety of Jordaens 's work and to reassess where he stands in relation to Rubens , by whom he has always been overshadowed .
12 This calls for an act of the imagination , in foreseeing the ways in which the enquiry is likely to develop , the types of information necessary , the reading ages and levels of attainment of the students in relation to what is currently available , and the weaknesses of the collection as it stands in relation to this analysis .
13 The last is of interest to parents who wish to know where their child stands in relation to others of about the same age and also , at various levels of aggregation , to teachers , heads , LEAs , the Government and the wider community .
14 TGAT 's second reason for a marking scale — ‘ establishing where the child stands in relation to others ’ — is at the root of the matter .
15 It is not now plain that molecular biology stands in relation to all the life sciences as atomic theory does to the physical sciences ?
16 The initial verb + noun phrase combination shows in essence a property word extended by an entity word , and it therefore remains a ( complex ) property ; the adjective then further extends this property ; but because it is an adjective rather than an adverb , its own property is understood as applicable to the entity identified by the noun phrase , with the important reservation , demanded by the intensional structure , that it will not be applied to it unconditionally but only insofar as that entity stands in relation to the verb which accompanies it .
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