Example sentences of "connected [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One daughter was triumphantly married into the Scottish aristocracy and the family thus connected through succeeding generations to the net of blood ties which included both the Fairleys and the house of Mountbatten-Windsor .
2 The subsidiary section connected for such purpose is called a stub and the procedure renders the main line correctly terminated at the stubbing point .
3 The village of Stoke Row in south Oxfordshire might seem a world away from India , but the two have been connected for 130 years .
4 It has been suggested that the paranotal lobes of insects were at first connected with epigamic behaviour ( Alexander and Brown , 1963 ) but it is perhaps more likely that they were associated with locomotion from the beginning .
5 Nurses , social workers , and remedial therapists care about people in the same way as doctors , lawyers , and architects but in addition they care for people ; a task which may involve the performance of unpleasant work connected with bodily functioning .
6 We learn from experience that certain visible appearances are connected with tactile objects of a certain size at a certain distance from us .
7 They were in a house formerly occupied by a man now held in Crumlin Road jail on charges connected with major bombing attacks on Belfast City Centre last year .
8 It becomes gradually more probable as lung area decreases below an optimum ( and as it increases above the same optimum , for different reasons connected with economic waste ) .
9 This emphasis upon a common style is partly connected with that sense of national identity and community which the war provoked , but it was also intimately related to Eliot 's preoccupation with what he termed " The Social Function of Poetry " in both developing the language , and enriching the sensibility , of the culture .
10 The problem of fascist sympathies among the ranks of MI5 at the outset of the war is entirely ignored , as is the removal in 1940 of its founder and director , Sir Vernon Kell , which may or may not have been connected with that issue .
11 he has knowingly obtained ( whether directly or indirectly ) that information from another individual who is connected with that company , or was at any time in the six months preceding the obtaining of that information , so connected , and who the tippee knows or has reasonable cause to believe , held the information by virtue of being so connected ; and he
12 A combined survey and exhibition catalogue on the theme of portraiture in Norfolk collections and portraits of or by people connected with that county , as well as works in Norfolk collections which reflect general trends in the history of British portraiture .
13 ( 8 ) If shares in the target are proposed to be sold to the bidder by a director ( including a shadow director ) of the bidder , or of its parent company , or by a person connected with that director ( as defined in CA 1985 , s346 ) and the value of the shares is not less than £2,000 but ( subject to that ) exceeds £100,000 or 10 per cent of the bidder 's asset value , then the arrangement must not be entered into unless it is first approved by an ordinary resolution of the bidder or , as the case may be , its parent company in general meeting ( CA 1985 , s320 ) .
14 He is closely connected with that woman of yer father 's , Rosalli Gabrielli .
15 The friendly community there all appeared to be fishermen or on some way connected with that industry .
16 A few were connected with neighbouring towers by spidery bridges , 1,000 feet above ravines of deepest blue .
17 Apart from this , Elstir 's insistence on painting what his senses register , not what his mind believes , is connected with two features in À la recherche which ought to be mentioned I think however briefly .
18 We are not told that these are part of a continuing ritual , but we are encouraged to treat them as such by the similarity present in the three meetings which are connected with each other further by the Shakespearian language applied to each .
19 The most exquisite surviving example of cameo glass , it is decorated with two scenes , evidently connected with each other and concerned with love and loss .
20 whether they would go on with the scheme or with a part of it , having the public offices in a well-devised and properly-arranged manner , all connected with each other , instead of being , as now , disconnected .
21 It is convenient to divide the insect nervous system into ( a ) the central nervous system , ( b ) the visceral nervous system , and ( c ) the peripheral nervous system , all three parts being connected with each other .
22 In this process a particular economic system or mode of production , a political system or form of the state , and cultural norms , although they undergo a partly autonomous development , are nevertheless connected with each other in such a way as to reproduce a total society .
23 Undoubtedly the risings were connected with each other in so far as the news of the initial outbreak in Essex seems to have sparked off further unrest in adjacent counties , and later in more remote parts , and it is certain that the general circumstances of the time created an atmosphere which was ripe for revolt , but the differences of aim among the different groups of rebels suggest that each had its own grievances which it hoped to right by force .
24 That rule prohibits solicitors practising in partnership or " in association " ( where two or more firms have at least one common principal ) from representing : ( 1 ) both seller and buyer in a transfer of land for value at arm 's length ; or ( 2 ) both lessor and lessee on the grant of a lease for value at arm 's length ; or ( 3 ) both lender and borrower in a private mortgage at arm 's length with exceptions made only in the case of : ( 1 ) small transactions ; ( 2 ) where the parties are connected with each other ( commercially or personally ) ; ( 3 ) where there is no other solicitor or licensed conveyancer in the vicinity whom either party might reasonably instruct ; ( 4 ) where two associated firms or two offices of the same firm acting for the parties are in different locations , neither firm having received instructions to act on referral from the other and the matter is dealt with or supervised by a different solicitor at each firm or office and , where the solicitor is not involved in the negotiations , where no conflict of interest arises and where neither vendor nor lessor is a builder or developer .
25 Once the marriage is dissolved , prima facie there is a charge to inheritance tax on a transfer of property between husband and wife unless the disposition is not intended to confer gratuitous benefit on either person and is made between persons not connected with each other ( Inheritance Tax Act 1984 , s10(1) ) .
26 Barclays ' top management has been heavily criticised following massive losses last year , but the bank insisted yesterday that the latest events were not connected with each other .
27 There ca n't be two — not two and both connected with Roman antiquities !
28 He was an original member of the Philobiblon Society , founded in 1853 by his friend Richard Monckton Milnes ( later first Baron Houghton , q.v. ) , and for whose publications , the Miscellanies , he contributed a number of articles about original documents connected with Venetian painters of the sixteenth century .
29 These healing properties were often fairly specific , covering a wide range of ailments but particularly connected with sore eyes .
30 The answer is often connected with incestuous fears .
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