Example sentences of "invited [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 A worse incident happened to me when invited to preach at a special service in a small church which was well filled for the occasion .
2 Carey was invited to preach at the next Northamptonshire Baptist Association meeting on 30 May 1792 .
3 In 1912 the Palace Girls were selected to represent all Tiller Girls when they were greatly honoured by being invited to perform at the very first Royal Command Performance .
4 In 1987 we were invited to perform at the Royal Albert Hall in the ‘ Celebrating Age ’ programme , and auditions were held to form a 55+ Team under the direction of Jean Parmiter .
5 ( The restaurant is closed on Tuesdays when guests are invited to dine at a restaurant in San Gimignano . )
6 Indeed that evening he was once again invited to dine at the Embassy .
7 In 1933 he joined the Old Vic Company for an impressive range of stage work ( Henry VIII again , The Cherry Orchard , Macbeth , Measure for Measure , The Tempest ) and in 1936 he was the first English actor ever to be invited to appear at the Comédie Française in Paris , where he played Molière 's Le Médecin Malgré Lui .
8 We were delighted to have been invited to exhibit at the Grosvenor House Fair , which attracts a more diverse audience .
9 This year the London Handel Orchestra have been invited to play at the festival in Hesse — Handel 's birthplace .
10 At one stage Glasser is invited to look at a tenement close — by Bernard , a Communist who was to fight in Spain and return with an altered mind .
11 In , for instance , The huge locomotive snorted and belched its way across the plain we are invited to look at the locomotive as if it were a gigantic animal .
12 For many viewers to be invited to stare at a naked child is too complex and disturbing .
13 Throughout the spring , talk of invasion was on everyone 's lips ; those who could help to fund the new military force did so , while others , providing they were householders or ‘ such other Persons as shall be recommended by two Householders ’ , were invited to enlist at the George Inn , ‘ … where such persons as are willing to join the Frome Selwood Volunteers , either cavalry or infantry , are requested to attend and sign their names ’ .
14 The group is invited to start at a common point : response to a specific trigger — a research quote , a statement about opinions to be completed , a range of factors to be ranked for importance , a role play .
15 Molly Scrutton was invited to teach at a KFA Training Course in Thorpe and she has taught at our own Rallies in Kent and Essex earlier in the year .
16 Our links with the Women 's League of Health and Beauty were further strengthened on 21 April when Jean Parmiter was invited to teach at the East Midlands Associated Members ' Annual Reunion , held in Groby , Leicestershire .
17 When the trains left at once , those stranded were invited to eat at the buffet , heated by fuel filched from locomotives and run by the master and his cronies .
18 Mr Gollnisch has been invited to speak at a Conservative fringe meeting in Blackpool , organised by Western Goals UK , a movement run by the former Tory MP , Sir Patrick Wall .
19 In August 1988 , Dai Qing was invited to speak at a banquet in Hong Kong held in honour of Liu Binyan , the most famous ‘ investigative reporter ’ of the People 's Daily , the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party .
20 We first encounter Anderson , a professor of ethics , on board a plane for Prague , where he has been invited to speak at a philosophy conference .
21 Many of Charles 's ideas sprang from a memorable visit to Boston in September 1986 , when he had been invited to speak at the Harvard 350th Commemoration Ceremony .
22 She dramatically resigned after hearing that he has been invited to speak at the Green party conference next month .
23 Welsh Water managers have been invited to speak at the annual meeting of Wirral Deewatch at the Friends Meeting House , Telegraph Road , Heswall , next Wednesday night , the day before the petition is presented .
24 With flow production he or she will have to anticipate model changes in order to ensure that the firm is invited to quote at the outset , and then follow up this quotation in the expectation of securing an order which will be fulfilled over the life of the product .
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