Example sentences of "setting up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ( a ) This rule applies whether the business concerned is in England and Wales or outside the jurisdiction ; but nothing in this rule prevents the setting up outside the jurisdiction of a practice complying with Rules 8 or 9 of the Solicitors ' Overseas Practice Rules 1990 .
2 Already in the 1850s , Roman catholic bishops attacked the setting up of the ‘ model schools ’ , intended for the pursuit of educational experiments within a multi-denominational setting .
3 He was Treasury Solicitor — the head of the government legal service — from 1971 to 1975 , and in his career in the Treasury Solicitor 's Office he was involved in the setting up of the intricate Prices and Incomes Acts of the 1960s and the formation of the new departments of Environment and Trade and Industry .
4 From about 1864 on , much of Marx 's time and energy was spent in connection with the setting up of the international association of working men , the first International .
5 Similar thinking lay behind the setting up of the British National Film League in 1921 to ‘ encourage the production and exhibition of British-made films ’ .
6 Some stop-gap funding was provided immediately for British Lion and this was followed , in April 1949 , by the setting up of the National Film Finance Corporation which the Board of Trade provided with a revolving fund of £5 million ( expanded to £6 million in 1950 ) .
7 The defeat of Wilhelmine Germany in the first world war led to the setting up of the Weimar Republic in 1919 , a constitutional settlement many believe was doomed .
8 That proposal led to the signing of a treaty during the following year , and the setting up of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization — N.A.T.O .
9 The setting up of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization caused the U.S.S.R.
10 Chairman Mao , the very dominant Communist leader of China , was so annoyed at Khrushchev , particularly over his co-operation with the U.S.A. over the setting up of the hot-line , that he called the U.S.S.R.
11 The setting up of the European environment agency has stalled because of a lack of agreement over where its headquarters should be .
12 The first six paragraphs described events leading to the setting up of the Select Committee and the reasons for the choice of witnesses .
13 Thus , at the global scale , the International Council of Scientific Unions ( ICSU ) has endorsed the setting up of the International Geosphere Biosphere Project ( IGBP ) to ‘ describe and understand the interactive physical , chemical and biological processes that regulate the total Earth system , the unique environment it provides for life , the changes that are occurring in that system and the manner by which these changes are influenced by human actions ’ ( Report of ad hoc Planning Group for IGBP 1986 , quoted in IGBP 1988 ) .
14 The report on this work Teacher Placement Programme 1988 was presented to the DTI in December 1988 and provided the basis for the setting up of the Teacher Placement Service in April 1989 .
15 For this reason the February 1986 White Paper proposed the setting up of the Channel Tunnel Joint Consultative Committee , one of whose main tasks has been the preparation of the Kent Impact Study and its follow-up , the Kent Impact Monitoring report .
16 There were attempts at legislation on computers and privacy through Private Members Bills from 1961 onwards , which the Home Office , as the lead department on the subject , managed to stall successfully until 1970 , when it was one of the issues which led to the setting up of the Younger Committee .
17 Prior to the setting up of the CIVC , the single most effective body responsible for guarding the quality of Champagne today , a decree was passed on 28 September 1935 creating an inter-professional organisation called the Commission Spéciale de la Champagne , which soon became known as the Commission de Châlons because its meetings were held in the Prefecture ( the administrative centre ) at Châlons-sur-Marne .
18 However , the three-way tone section allows this to be EQ 'd out and careful setting up of the guitar and amp or PA enables the 1992-H to put out a most convincing acoustic sound .
19 The Gay News Defence Campaign may not have won the case for the paper , but it helped the community maintain a sense of strength and it led to the setting up of the Gay Activists Alliance .
20 Its March 1992 bulletin , though , took a surprisingly simplistic approach to ethnicity and religion , justifying the setting up of the Muslim Parliament by pointing to the racist press coverage it had received .
21 I give little coverage to the associated subject of the setting up of the model .
22 It also led to the setting up of the 1992 tournament in Italy .
23 Together they watched the setting up of the town 's first fish and chip shop , they saw the decline of Mr Healy in the hotel and stood side by side on the day that he was taken to the sanatorium .
24 Impatience with this position , held by at least some influential members of Mining Awareness , and its lack of aggressive response coupled with the conviction that opposition was now called for ( at least in areas such as Croagh Patrick where prospecting was strongly advanced ) led to the setting up of the Mayo Environmental Group ( MEG ) early in 1989 .
25 The setting up of the tank will be featured in PFK .
26 Entering this contest constitutes your agreement that we may feature the setting up of the winner tank .
27 There had been the usual time-consuming , wearying and slightly acrimonious preliminaries to the setting up of the new squad in C1 and already his mind was reaching out with relief to the solitary contemplation of alabaster effigies , sixteenth-century glass and the awesome decorations of Winchfield .
28 Jean Monnet was appointed as the president of the High Authority , and his resignation from the office in June 1955 was the only occasion before the setting up of the much broader European Economic Community in 1957 when there was a change in the membership of the High Authority .
29 Horror stories abound , originally fuelled by the publication of Ruth Harrison 's Animal Machines ( 1964 ) , a book which in Britain directly influenced the setting up of the first parliamentary inquiry into the new methods of animal husbandry under the chairmanship of F.W.R. Brambell .
30 The setting up of the Select Committee to look at the whole under-fives area
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