Example sentences of "begins [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As it reaches the end of these , it automatically switches into record mode and the new shot begins to go onto the tape .
2 After 4–7 days most of the sugars have been turned into alcohol and the yeast begins to sink to the bottom of the vessel .
3 MR GIBBON points out ( HAS January 13 ) that the test question ( Echo January 7 ) for 14-year-olds shows the man has already stepped onto the first stair and begins to fall into the trap of talking about the man , when the question asks about the load !
4 In such circumstances the costs are carried forward and amortised over a period not exceeding five years commencing when the group begins to benefit from the expenditure .
5 Many beginners find it difficult , at first , to remember the Japanese phrases , but within the first few months of practice the language barrier begins to fade at a rapid rate .
6 As community education begins to work through the community then the colleges ( or any other resource of this nature ) should recede even further .
7 The response time between the instant at which the operator strikes a key and that at which the reply from the system begins to appear on the screen should be less than one second .
8 Response times will be measured from the instant the operator strikes a key to the instant the reply from the system begins to appear on the screen .
9 He begins to long for the happy carefree days when he was single .
10 ‘ He likes the smell of dust in the office , and the smell of clean white shirts as the sweat begins to come through the armpits . ’
11 He likes the smell of dust in the office , and the smell of clean white shirts as the sweat begins to come through the armpits .
12 At low frequencies Brownian motion can relieve the deformation caused by the stress before the next cycle takes place , but as the frequency increases the conformational change begins to lag behind the stress and energy is not only dissipated but stored as well .
13 A crisis of confidence among Britain 's producers was the result of this sort of taunting , and from around this time one begins to detect in the press a sense that the nation 's honour was threatened by its film industry 's parlous condition .
14 At the same time , the relationship between the two academics begins to progress in a similar direction .
15 IT 'S AT times like this when one begins to wonder about The Franks & Walters .
16 Once a particular electron has soaked up enough energy from the X-rays for its release it begins to radiate from the parent atom ( Figure 3 ) .
17 Then he complains when she begins to behave like a very naughty child .
18 In most individuals , the basi-occipital begins to fuse with the basisphenoid at about the seventeenth year , and they are usually completely joined by the twentieth to twenty-third year .
19 He gets up and begins to walk around the room .
20 Next week she begins interviewing for the post of principal development officer .
21 Ackland seems the sort of man who could hammer a nail in with his clenched teeth so he never begins to look like a tentative nonentity .
22 An unborn child starts off as a tiny sphere , soon begins to look like a minute hamburger ( complete with bun ) , and finally adopts the form of a large-headed , small-limbed human being .
23 If the theory becomes elaborate enough , it begins to look like a law , and predictions about future events may be made ( 11 ) .
24 The argument from error has here a plausible consistency , while the point which Nozick takes to be his strength begins to look like a weakness .
25 The fierce public rivalry between IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp begins to look like the posturing of all-in wrestlers that do it all for show : according to Computer Reseller News , IBM is quietly working with the Redmond dominator to put Windows NT up on the PowerPC RISC .
26 And if ‘ planning ’ is now possible at the level of the giant enterprise , perhaps straddling several branches of production , then the planning of the economy to meet social objectives is at least ‘ put on the agenda ’ : what was only a long run historical speculation in the era of smaller-scale entrepreneurial capitalism begins to look like an economically feasible proposition .
27 The the father would be on the boat , and the son would , as a young boy , would come to meet the workers that came back and he begins to help with the ropes and the winching up of the boat and the washing down , and so on , of the boat after she 's been on service , and so on .
28 Thick sheets of paper — 300lb or greater — will dry before the sheet begins to buckle from the water and thus do not require stretching .
29 Waiting for the kettle to boil he grabs a pencil and begins to scribble on the back of an old envelop …
30 The need for a German theatre , as part of a wider literary and philosophical programme for Germany , arises at the point where Herder sets out to emphasize the Englishness of Shakespeare and the French character of the court of Louis XIV and its drama , and where he begins to point to the absence of a comparable phenomenon in the " Germany " — that is , the conglomeration of German principalities and duchies — of his own day .
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