Example sentences of "exists as [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The separate offence exists as a warning that ‘ those who are minded to assault police officers should appreciate that they run a real risk of a sentence of immediate imprisonment . ’
2 The club exists as a reinforcement for all the work already being done by the RFU youth development team , the counties , the rugby clubs and schools .
3 Poverty not only exists as a consumption experience but it is also related to labour market experience .
4 So for instance you may have already have a relational database management system , it may or may not be , but that information exists as a service or service provided on the network .
5 It is the deepest wish of the author , a member of the Wildlife Association of Southern India , that this embargo will become a permanent situation and that a national consciousness will not permit the continued destruction of the Cobra , which performs not only a biologically and environmentally essential function but exists as a symbol of life itself .
6 Hypnosis is akin to being in love in that the same sapping of the subject 's initiative takes place , even more so as there is no possibility of sexual satisfaction , which exists as a possibility even in unrequited love relationships .
7 But a distaste for gossip should not be construed as a total reluctance to express the truth about another person 's behaviour when no possible alternative exists as a way of defending myself .
8 ‘ But a distaste for gossip' , he read , glinting with agreement , ‘ should not be construed as a total reluctance to express the truth about another person 's behaviour when no possible alternative exists as a way of defending myself .
9 Irony exists as a relationship between writer and reader ( two further characters ? ) , usually created by the writer , with regard to the characters and events within the fabliau .
10 Letterman 's notion of the universal spirit has a commercial aspect : it stands for that human striving which exists as a counter to the banality of human life in the suburbs and malls of our countries .
11 Primarily the Catholic Voice exists as a means of communication within the Diocese of Lancaster .
12 the bureaucratic-professional dimension exists as a variable for organisational structure within organisations as well as between organisations .
13 Thus in He can sing the incidence of " sing " to " he " exists as a potential in the present : the person referred to possesses at the present moment the capacity of realizing this action .
14 This domain of Vmw175 has been expressed as a stable , functionally separable domain in bacteria ( 25,21 ) , exists as a dimer in solution ( 21 ) and binds DNA with a specificity similar to that of the intact protein ( 25,21 ) .
15 But it hardly exists as a nation in a recognisable sense .
16 Corporate manslaughter charges were almost unknown in English law before the DPP decided last June to issue manslaughter summonses against P&O European Ferries after the Zeebrugge disaster and there are still no firm judicial rulings on whether corporate manslaughter exists as a crime .
17 Given , however , that the jurisdiction exists as a matter of settled law , the remaining question is whether , and if so on what grounds , it can be invoked to authorise the treatment which W. is unwilling to undergo .
18 The basic requirements of the rule of law , therefore , are merely that a system of law , understood as lex , exists as a result of the establishment of legislative , executive and judicial offices .
19 This includes financing any public sector borrowing requirement ( PSBR ) that exists as a result of a shortfall in government revenues compared with expenditures , or at times managing the public sector debt repayment ( PSDR ) when government income is greater than government expenditure .
20 Robert Romanyshyn 's central thesis is that psychological life is not part of the material world or of an inner subjectivity separate from that world but exists as a form of mediation between the two .
21 Whilst it may be argued that this is merely an illustration of the duty owed under the OLA 1957 , it may also be said that this exists as a form of liability under the tort of negligence but outside the scope of the 1957 Act .
22 ABTA , set up in 1950 , exists as a cartel .
23 But if you can produce 28 seconds that actually exists as a piece of entertainment and makes people laugh , nobody will ever think the worse of you for it .
24 In these places today , Standard English exists as a model which members of the community may aspire to , though not all choose to do so .
25 His ‘ melancholia ’ , with all its evocative associations for me , no longer exists as a diagnosis — it 's been swept away into the vast , featureless ocean of modern ‘ depression ’ .
26 The Soil Association exists as a standards body for much of the organically produced food in the UK .
27 In the common baboon , unlike the Hamadryas , the troop exists as an oligarchy , with several dominant males sharing power .
28 Furthermore , CytR exists as an oligomer in solution ( 33 ) .
29 If this is to be done , despite the number who are brought up in other religions , it is reasonable to do it largely through the medium of Christianity , simply because Christianity exists as an institution in this country , and is by no means dead .
30 For many critics of the existing Constitution , parliamentary sovereignty no longer constitutes an encouragement to the rule of law but rather exists as an impediment to its attainment .
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