Example sentences of "pocket [coord] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then tell him that the problem is for him to free the rope without taking his hand out of his pocket or untying the rope .
2 and yet — he slid his hand into his pocket and fingered the folded sheets of paper , hastily bundled together .
3 He took his old-fashioned fob watch out of his waistcoat pocket and clicked the back open .
4 Put your hand inside their pocket and push the rope up the sleeve as far as you can .
5 Moss picked up the packet , opened it , put four cigars into his pocket and stuck the other between his lips .
6 Grant plucked the transmitter from his pocket and extended the aerial .
7 I took a felt-tipped pen out of his jacket pocket and wrote a number on a beermat .
8 I pulled the switchblade out of my pocket and pressed the button .
9 He glanced at Superintendent Mercer , who took the key from his pocket and unlocked the door .
10 To her surprise , he took the keys from his pocket and unlocked the boot .
11 The prince had asked him to take over a small present ; Simon had stuck it in a pocket and thought no more about it , only when he saw Constanza he decided to deliver it in person .
12 With an inward smile and a mental sigh I retrieved the compass carefully from my pocket and took a bearing on north .
13 Haavikko put his chopsticks down and pushed his bowl away , then reached into his pocket and took the notebook from it .
14 She delved in her pocket and produced a wrapped boiled sweet .
15 Connor plunged his hand into his pocket and produced a few coins , which he tossed into the cup .
16 The Doctor fished inside his pocket and produced a fluff covered dog biscuit .
17 He felt in his top pocket and produced a blue card .
18 The man fumbled in his pocket and produced a wallet , then an identity card .
19 He put his right hand in his jacket pocket and produced a bulky envelope .
20 Nassim still kept his eyes on the lads in the bathroom , one of whom had produced a seven-pound hammer from his tool-bag , but reached for his wallet pocket and produced a broken-spined red leather diary .
21 Then she delved into an inside pocket and produced a brown paper bag , the sort you get at off licences .
22 From time to time , almost absent-mindedly , he reached into his pocket and produced a sweet , which he gave to any small boy who happened to be near .
23 Wordlessly Gina reached into a pocket and produced the hotel 's business card .
24 He reached into a back pocket and produced an official-looking business card which said his name was Davis .
25 He whisked a pair of spectacles from his breast pocket and studied the label .
26 Sheldukher slipped the laser pistol back into his pocket and substituted the black square .
27 She looked at Mr Browning , startled , and he drew a clean handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the blood away tenderly , saying , ‘ She tells me it is nothing , nothing she has not had before . ’
28 He took an immaculate hankie from his pocket and wiped the streak of dust from Luce 's face , before answering , ‘ It 's certainly worth a try . ’
29 She put a hand in her pocket and felt the grip of the weapon .
30 He fished a cigarette out of his pocket and flicked the lighter .
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