Example sentences of "believed [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When market-makers began to suspect that the sales were on behalf of the Bank of Spain , the central bank apparently started to use other Spanish banks , which are believed to include Central Hispano , Bilbao Vizcaya ( BBV ) and Banesto .
2 Within the Federal Reserve Board itself some of the governors were known to favour a less restrictive policy , while most of the 12 regional Federal Reserve Bank presidents were believed to support high rates .
3 This practice has coincided with the development of the cow disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy ( BSE or ‘ mad cow disease ’ ) which is believed to affect one cow in every thousand .
4 It is believed to span six manuscripts , being concentrated in two : the St Albans Psalter at Hildesheim Cathedral , and the Life and Miracles of St Edmund in the Pierpont Morgan Library , New York .
5 Medical appointments in military units were believed to provide useful experience to recent graduates or students , and were much in demand .
6 Holy objects , relics , and talismans , such as the Agnus Dei — a small piece of wax containing an image of the lamb and flag — were widely believed to provide supernatural help during times of crisis ; and holy bells , holy water , and candles were thought to give protection against diabolical spirits .
7 The bourgeois family model with its breadwinning husband and dependent wife and children was thus believed to secure male work incentives .
8 It is believed to contain explosive scenes — including Di 's alleged suicide bids , emotional turmoil and friendships with other men .
9 So enormous was it that the behemoth was believed to drink whole rivers and consume one-thousand mountains a day .
10 These results were unexpected , because several studies have shown seasonal variation in forest ecosystem fine root biomass turnover , which is often believed to reflect variable root mortality rates .
11 Secondly , in the Keynesian function ( where money is a close substitute for bonds ) , the demand for money is interest-elastic because if the rate of interest earned from holding bonds changes , wealth holders are assumed to react only by changing their money holdings ; but in Friedman 's function ( where money is a substitute for all other assets , both financial and real ) , the demand for money is believed to exhibit low interest-elasticity .
12 The list of favoured clients who received compensation was believed to exceed 200 names .
13 They included the forest god , Pan , who was believed to engender intense fear or ‘ panic ’ in those who were foolish enough to venture into remote and desolate places .
14 Twenty years later at least four major families of drugs were widely used , as well as a considerable number of supporting agents which were believed to help some patients in particular circumstances .
15 In some Berber tribes , pregnancies are believed to last any period — a good deal longer than nine months , certainly .
16 Although thrombosis of the enlarged arteries is generally believed to precede musocal breakdown , some authors regard the ulceration as the primary event in the pathogenesis of the arterial rupture .
17 The plans have already led to a number of Farnham Lane residents and others interested in protecting the track — which is believed to pre-date Roman times — to object to the reclassification scheme .
18 Mercury was believed to possess magical properties and some regarded it as the quintessence of the human body and of all substances .
19 OLD boy networks , Freemasonry and chapel membership were believed to hold undue sway in the decisions of some Welsh councils , MPs were told yesterday .
20 Sharks , killer whales , and false killer whales are believed to present some threat to dolphins - scar marks thought to have been caused by shark attack have been observed .
21 The major consequence of this bureaucratic inheritance is thus an imbalance between the power of bureaucracy and the power of other political institutions , an imbalance which is believed to have serious implications for further political development .
22 Foreign investors are better acquainted with customs and practices in the eurobond market and they are also widely believed to have strong preferences for the anonymity of bearer securities and for the receipt of interest payments without deduction of tax .
23 The shorter half-life of 235 U results in it having a much lower abundance at present relative to 238 U. Because U and Th are believed to have similar distribution coefficients during mantle melting , a large fractionation in U/Pb is associated with change of similar magnitude in Th/Pb .
24 The effects were believed to have enduring consequences on the child 's thought processes and predispose to ( rather than precipitate ) schizophrenia .
25 Formal assessment of a child believed to have special needs which require special educational provision must be conducted , once the child has been identified either by the school , via its non-statutory assessment monitoring of pupils and assessment under the National Curriculum regime , or by the parents .
26 About half way down the hill forming the eastern slope of Nafferton Slack , by the road-side , to prevent waggons leaving the roadway , stood a large stone , which was believed to have wonderful powers .
27 Coastguards were alerted and Department of Transport officials travelled to Eyemouth and boarded the boat , which was believed to have ten people on board .
28 Of the members re-elected to the standing committee , Premier Li Peng 's commitment to Deng 's reform programme was equivocal and he was believed to have conservative sympathies .
29 According to reports nearly 50 per cent of Spain 's 36,736 prisoners were believed to have some form of addiction and just under 25 per cent were said to be HIV positive .
30 Lotus is believed to have devoted $30m over four years developing a database that it cancelled in 1989 — just before it bought a 15% stake in Sybase Inc , sold again in 1992 .
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