Example sentences of "laid down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Thus , in the vital days before September 1939 , not only had prime arrangements been undertaken in connection with aircraft and tanks , but the organisation had been laid down for the ready assembly of ambulance trains and casualty evacuation trains and , through the Mechanical and Electrical Engineers ' Consultative Committee , which was formed in the abortive crisis of September 1938 , to advise the Railway Executive Committee on matters pertaining to Railway Workshops , rolling stock and electrical undertakings .
2 He told them about Marylebone , the night at the hotel , the terms Zack had laid down for the rendezvous , and how he had just made the deadline .
3 Luke says that , in her case , the offering was laid down for the poor :
4 To reduce the possibility of the lining materials , used for the construction of walls and ceilings , contributing to the initial fire spread within the building , performance standards are laid down for the reaction to fire of the materials used for the exposed surfaces .
5 In 1749 for the first time a single system of tactics was laid down for the entire army , while in 1765 the Hofkriegsrath assumed the power to appoint to all ranks above that of captain and from 1776 an organized State military transport corps began to be built up .
6 Rules were laid down for the management of schools , and the provision of finance by local authorities .
7 Where notification is given at the first stage , but not in accordance with the procedures laid down for the first stage , you shall not be disentitled to SSP for that day for that reason only .
8 Where further notification is not given on the fourth day in accordance with the procedures laid down for the second stage , you shall not be disentitled to SSP from the fourth day of absence for that reason only .
9 Under English evidential law , specific provisions are laid down for the submission and use of computer records in court .
10 Even when trap lines are laid down along the hunting paths of a relatively specialized predator like the barn owl , there may be considerable differences in species proportions represented in the two assemblages .
11 The growth characteristics of the bones are laid down at the time when the pattern is specified and the elements are very small and this early specification will control growth for many years ( Chapter 10 ) .
12 Most of them are sandstones or limestones that were laid down at the bottom of the shallow seas that once covered this part of North America .
13 When the local government map was laid down at the end of the nineteenth century , many of the administrative units — for example , Anglo-Saxon shires and medieval boroughs — were already outdated .
14 The spending plans were laid down on the assumption of no recession .
15 Deposits laid down during the rifting phase are termed synrift sediments while those laid down on the margin once continental separation has occurred are termed postrift sediments .
16 These ghastly memorials were frequently laid down during the lifetime of the persons they were intended to commemorate , in order that they might constantly be reminded that they were but mortal .
17 The path here can be very wet , but planks have been laid down over the worst parts .
18 In fact , this decision was less revolutionary than it appeared : Bush has brought the deadline forward from 2000 , as laid down under the Montreal Protocol , to 1995 , but the EC had already decided to adopt a 1997 deadline and the US had been lagging behind world opinion .
19 The bike was sealed to make it waterproof and tracks were laid down under the water for it .
20 But it is changed too in that it is not so much the details of infant care that are laid down as the principles which should be followed in deciding the details .
21 Theory and tactics were to be laid down from the centre .
22 In November the Smolensk guberniia executive committee is being rebuked in turn by no less a person than V. Molotov , Secretary of the Central Committee in Moscow , for allowing subordinates to impose taxes beyond those laid down in the All-Union list .
23 On 9 November a Moscow circular from Secretary V. Molotov himself forbade somewhat belatedly the imposition of any local taxes not laid down in the list issued by VTsIK .
24 Apart from these cases , the entire property , other than that in which the deceased 's interest ceased at his death , is held by the executors or administrators on trust for sale , in the first instance for the payment of his debts , and then for distribution as laid down in the Intestates ’ Estates Act 1952 , which has replaced the relevant provisions of the Act of 1925 .
25 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
26 So are the precepts laid down in the Sermon on the Mount .
27 All the principal details of the scheme are laid down in the foregoing or in the drawings .
28 The procedure for lodging an appeal , and various other procedural matters , are laid down in the Schedule , but the manner of conducting the appeal hearing is left to the committee itself .
29 The completion of the Group 's work represents a considerable achievement , and it is on the basis of the Group 's advice on attainment targets and programmes of study that we now make jointly our formal proposals for key stages 2 to 4 in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Education Reform Act .
30 Their quality and spacing is laid down in the Building Regulations but in the last ten years difficulties have arisen over corrosion , not only in those made of mild steel but also in galvanised ties where the zinc coating is defective .
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