Example sentences of "to let [pron] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 At once , the waiters began to reorganise the tables so that as many as possible could sit under the parasols and to hurry away the unused cushions and linen so as not to let them be soaked .
2 Branson refused to let them be used on any Virgin-owned material .
3 Not to let me be raped or abused and murdered .
4 In my babyhood , he had asked the great Australian centre Dave Brown to let me be photographed with an enormous stuffed lion Brown had brought back from a Kangaroo tour of Great Britain .
5 There 's no need to let ourselves be rushed into anything , just because other people think it would be a good thing .
6 Simon could n't afford to let himself be divorced ; Constanza did some extremely quixotic things and they managed to fix it so that she appeared to be the guilty party .
7 Britain is not going to let itself be rushed into any costly action , that would have little chance of success , to solve the problem of ‘ acid rain ’ …
8 I 've worked too damned hard just to let everything be ruined because of unsavoury gossip .
9 Determined not to let herself be beaten by such obstacles , Prue came up with the idea of a luncheon club for professional women in the Exeter area .
10 She ai n't going to let herself be defeated .
11 She was not willing to let herself be betrayed and used by Urquhart .
12 Parents and children both desperately need each other 's love and respect and it is important to let it be seen that you still accept and value one another , even in the midst of the turbulent years of the teens .
13 Parents need to listen as well as to talk and to let it be seen that they recognize the teenager 's viewpoint , even when they take an opposite view .
14 It had been her only gain ; she did not mean to let it be whittled away .
15 Now that all the poll tax register computer equipment is installed , there is a strong case to let it be used to compile the electoral roll on the same basis .
16 It was no part of Owen 's plan to let his whole company lurk there , now that they were compromised ; in case of close inquiry that would have been all too clear an indication of Llewelyn 's unofficial complicity in the enterprise , and however little doubt Isambard himself might have on that head , it would not do to let it be established and admitted .
17 My people ca n't afford to let it be known what 's been going on here . ’
18 Nor should you be reluctant to let it be known that you are contemplating buying from another retail outlet , as the fear of losing a sale to a rival may well have a favourable impact on the price .
19 It wo n't be difficult then for me to let it be known that I do n't want you working here . ’
20 In a statement in response to increasing media interest in his health , he said he had decided to let it be known he was undergoing treatment .
21 He assured Benn that the French were not going to let themselves be tied by COCOM : ‘ Frankly , the French do promise integrated circuits and the dates and deliveries are laid down . ’
22 They are not to let themselves be provoked by the Copts .
23 Nowadays , people all over the world unequivocally reject the idea of gulags , yet they are still willing to let themselves be hypnotised by totalitarian poesy and to march to new gulags to the tune of the same lyrical song piped by Eluard when he soared over Prague like the great archangel of the lyre , while the smoke of Kalandra 's body rose to the sky from the crematory chimney .
24 Forby , I say that they will not wait in the town to let themselves be besieged .
25 I make myself aware of a three-dimensional object by synthesizing what I perceive from here with what I imagine from there , of a continuing event by synthesizing what I perceive now with what I remember from past and anticipate from future viewpoints ; and in either case ‘ Be aware ’ obliges me to let myself be moved from the different viewpoints , as a causally necessary condition of becoming aware from them .
26 But if ‘ Be aware ’ requires me to be aware both of you and of myself both from your viewpoint and from mine , it requires me also to let myself be moved towards both your goals and mine , as a necessary condition of becoming aware from either viewpoint .
27 Perhaps I think it beneath my dignity to let myself be carried on the spontaneous flood , employing my divine gift of reason only to navigate on the course of greatest awareness .
28 But I also discover both reactions of my own which are in their power , and reactions of theirs which are in mine , so that the drive towards sovereignty urges me , either to dominate , or to let myself be drawn to the viewpoint of the stronger and submit .
29 The Reverend Theodorus , anxious about the spell this demon artist might be casting on his younger son , wrote mildly to Theo advising him ‘ not to let yourself be influenced into doing things which are not practical , for alas , that certainly is his foible . ’
30 ‘ Well , er , and then we ask him to let us be left alone in the quarry . ’
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