Example sentences of "support for [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Support for the miners promptly and inevitably began to shrink , especially upon the Conservative back-benches , but he still believes that he is right .
2 In the voluntary sector , specialist day centres have been set up , for example at Paisley by Alzheimer 's Scotland , using considerable volunteer help , with a strong emphasis on training and support for the voluntaries and good links with other relevant services , and at Craigshill , Livingston where good liaison with the local psychogeriatric service is seen as important .
3 Support for the residents would be provided either by social services staff or workers from an outside agency .
4 There seemed little support for the students from the workers at this time , who were more concerned with their own problems than abstract calls for democracy .
5 Support for the Greens may have shrunk but it was still at the same level as the Liberal Democrats ’ , the third party in Parliament , so perhaps Ms Cooke was unduly downcast .
6 Support for the Greens ( 8 per cent ) was probably boosted by the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power station , in the Soviet Union in April 1986 , which caused widespread poisoning of the atmosphere across Europe .
7 Support for the criteria of merit , need , equality , and entitlement is explored among different groups in the population .
8 But support for the Americans came from a wider section of the English people than the intellectuals : the presence of discharged and wounded soldiers created a loathing of war itself on humanitarian grounds .
9 The International Court of Justice condemns US support for the Contras and the mining of Nicaraguan ports .
10 Support for the Liberals and Radical Liberals , the junior coalition partners , and for the opposition Social Democratic Party ( Socialdemokratiet — SD ) increased slightly .
11 Effective distance education depends on good communications and support for the learners .
12 SCAD — Support for the children of adult drinkers — talks to children as young as 12 and also those who 've grown-up with the problem , but are still trying to deal with it .
13 But a Harris poll conducted in February indicates that support for the arts is up significantly , now over 60% as opposed to 48% in 1974 .
15 Secondly , if gentry support for the Whigs had really begun to disintegrate , then they would have soon collapsed as a political force , since the bulk of the political nation comprised the landed interest .
16 On a range of third-world issues their policies have taken a turn for the better and are broadly the same as those of Labour — support for the Palestinians , dialogue with the ANC , endorsement of the ‘ safe haven ’ for the Kurds .
17 The Conference of Popular Arab Movements was organized by the Jordanian Arab National Democratic Alliance ( JANDA ) , a coalition of left-wing groups formed in late 1989 whose objectives included greater democratization , independence from the IMF and support for the Palestinians .
18 Support for the rebels from among the 500,000 Canadians who were registered as Indians showed the growing militancy of the native Canadian lobby .
19 In January 1937 it patched together a new ‘ united front ’ campaign in association with the ILP , the Communists , the Left Book Club and Tribune , around a programme of defence for the Spanish Republic , opposition to rearmament by the National government , support for the struggles of the unemployed and the affiliation of the Communist Party and the ILP to the Labour Party .
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