Example sentences of "to continue [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Undoubtedly there is a need to continue to emphasise the importance of change in an area where exhaustion of general practitioners is clear .
2 Therefore , you will be asked to continue using the wheelchair to move the patient around until the physiotherapist is sure that he has reached the point where he can walk correctly and safely .
3 It is convenient to continue using the shorthand of Continental and Maritime schools of thought , although the issues are more complex than they were in Queen Anne 's day .
4 These rights included not only an ability to continue using the property as before but also the right to rebuild or extend it , provided the original building was not exceeded by more than ten per cent .
5 Many grown-up people feel obliged by such considerations to continue to acknowledge the authority of their parents over them .
6 We need to continue to promote the health and well-being of our community but the introduction of a millionaire 's card scheme will not work .
7 There are two points here : the first is that no matter how substantial is one 's background in user education , advice can become steadily less relevant with the passage of time unless a determined effort is made to keep contact with the users to be instructed ; ie to continue to instruct the user personally .
8 Agreeing the case was arguable , the judge told Mr Pannick he would rely on him very carefully to consider whatever documents came from the Government , not represented in court yesterday , when considering whether to continue pursuing the challenge .
9 At the request of an Abu Dhabi representative , PW drew up a report to help the majority shareholders decide whether to continue to support the bank .
10 To continue to support the mechanism despite it failing in its obligations to cushion speculation against Sterling .
11 But I am sure that , as a reasonable man , he will agree on reflection that the wisest course of action for the Government is to continue to support the secretary-general 's efforts .
12 And it 's rather a good thing this one did look like a tramp , ’ she added , ‘ because you might not have talked to him if you had n't mistaken him for a poor old man , and he would n't have learned anything about Brownies , and we should n't be going to continue to enjoy the use of his lovely Park .
13 More commonly , he will have been given power to make laws , subject only to the controlling authority of one or both Houses of Parliament to unmake them , or to withhold the endorsement necessary for them to continue to enjoy the force of law .
14 Although Britain was forced by circumstances to continue devoting the bulk of its resources to military aircraft production , work did begin on the specifications and design for the postwar civil transports .
15 He wants ITN to continue to gather the news , but for individual companies to be left to edit and present programmes , giving ITN bulletins a local dimension .
16 In view of the events surrounding the Haitian boat people who attempted to enter the United States , does it make any sense for that country to continue opposing the implementation of the common action programme ?
17 If ADAS wishes to continue to provide the service that it has done for many years to our industry , and as an ADAS spokesman said ‘ not to price itself out of the market ’ , then it needs to join the real world .
18 The failure to continue to provide the service offered by the unit anywhere in the regional health authority 's area amounted to a substantial variation in the provision of the service .
19 It is true that we have had to continue to increase the amount of money that is paid by the Government — by the taxpayer — for restructuring the industry , but we will not reach the ceiling either this year or next year .
20 The project team 's stated role is to ensure the effective delivery of the TPS within each region and to continue to increase the volume of high quality teacher placements in business and , simultaneously , encourage greater involvement of business people in schools .
21 In a 1985 case , however , the High Court granted an injunction against a health authority which was unwilling to continue employing the plaintiff , despite regarding him as a competent worker , because of his personality clash with a more senior colleague .
22 She had to continue driving the van all day , and again the following morning .
23 Essex Chief Constable John Burrow says the Service Delivery Standards initiative is ‘ crucially important ’ if the police are to continue to receive the public 's trust and co-operation .
24 Arrangements may have to be made for existing £6 membership who genuinely can not afford more but who would like to continue to receive the magazine .
25 Difficulties in defining disability , together with powerful limits on society 's generosity towards handicapped groups , seems likely to continue to restrict the scope of financial provision for the disabled for many years to come .
26 Clubs are still invited to continue to visit the warehouse by the usual arranged bus trips .
27 Perhaps it is the hon. Member for Bolsover ( Mr. Skinner ) , who is willing to continue to enunciate the principle that there is no such thing as a free lunch .
28 The information system is the major link between adviser and client , without which a bureau could not and would not be allowed to continue to serve the public .
29 ‘ This combined to help us become even more determined to continue to lead the way in the provision of high quality care for the community ’ , he added .
30 I urge the Government to continue to resist the idea of more regulations being attached to employees .
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