Example sentences of "open [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Exhibition open during the day and on evenings when there are performances in the Youth Theatre .
2 There is an Information Centre in a converted chapel at Llanwddyn , just to the west of the dam , open during the daytime throughout the summer .
3 This was by far the most pleasant room in the school for it backed onto St. Martin 's Church and in the far left hand corner was a door , normally open during the summer , leading to the fire escape .
4 The cause of almost every incident where the airbrakes open during the launch is that the pilot has failed to lock them correctly .
5 With winding street hidden behind massive stone walls , the old town is a must to visit , particularly in the cool of evening when the traders in the street markets display their wares and the old shops open after the afternoon siesta to sell gold , silver , leather and furs at reasonable prices .
6 It is obviously significant that many of the Minoan tomb entrances open towards the east ; the Temple Tomb and the Tomb of the Lady of Arkhanes both face east , the direction from which the rising sun 's resuscitating rays shine .
7 Ellsworth Kelly 's Documenta paintings open towards the end of the month ( 20 October-20 November ) .
8 And there are three convenient youth hostels open throughout the year at Totland Bay , Whitwell and Sandown .
10 Waterstones will see to it that in 1993 bigger and even-better bookshops open throughout the land . ’
11 Their lateral line organs are buried in canals which run along the head and body , and open into the water through pores .
12 The rooms all have windows on the garden side of the house , and doors which open into the corridor .
13 Neil , 31 , was found after neighbours at Westgate-on-Sea , Kent , saw his front door open with the milk outside .
14 She noted the flowers agreeably disposed in a vase on the mantelpiece , the recent issues of magazines arranged upon the table , the Radio Times open upon the desk with a programme encircled in red biro ( a talk on Handel operas ) .
15 The exhibition , open until the end of the month , comprises a dozen knotted constructions and a series of ‘ combustions ’ produced by Jaccard over the past three years .
16 Some of them had chains round their boats , fore and aft , to hold them together , do they d ha sunk ; busted right open from the swelling of the wood with too much water .
17 Two exhibitions open in the Hall Napoléon on 6 November and are scheduled to close on 1 February .
18 SYCORAX SITS HUNCHED under the earth , her head fallen sideways , face up , on to her knees which her hands clasp ; her mouth — what is left of her mouth — gapes open in the direction of the ground above .
19 Buckingham Palace said yesterday that most of the rooms normally open in the State Apartments will re-open on January 16 .
20 ‘ Was that window open in the bedroom ? ’
21 An average cost basis is required to be returned in situations where : it is the existing , explicit , basis of valuation ; the Revenue has specifically left an employee 's affairs open pending the outcome of the case ; the benefits were first provided in 1991/92 ; or benefits have not been reported in the past due to fraud or negligence .
22 They are not active hunters and live largely on molluscs and crustaceans which they grub up from the sea floor and crush in their mouths which open on the underside .
23 Susan had been taking a few items of clothing from a chest of drawers to a suitcase open on the bed .
24 And then she looked down again at the neatly typed list in the book , open on the floor in front of her .
25 To the right lay a couple of buff-coloured laboratory files with biology registrations and , beside them , flat open on the bench , a quarto-sized loose-leaf notebook with a ring binding .
26 She might seem remote to new readers when she talks proudly about being the last family at school to get a TV set , and the books open on the table at mealtimes in her parent 's house .
27 The reaching for cigarettes from packets open on the table .
28 He told Corbett to sit on a bench and went back to where he and a young man , a villein from the village , were poring over a great leatherbound book open on the table .
29 With the Rummidge A to Z open on the passenger seat beside her , she set off to find J. Pringle & Sons , somewhere on the other side of the city : the dark side of Rummidge , as foreign to her as the dark side of the moon .
30 Sometimes in the evenings she had too strong a sense of being locked into the life of the farmhouse , even with the door continuously open on the summer yard , her brother away in the fields , her mother stumbling about the place with buckets , leaning on the table or the back of a chair whenever she stood to talk .
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