Example sentences of "sees [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 City : Forte falls 62pc to £73m but sees signs of upturn
2 Well my mum sees loads of dogs and that and she just , good boy , good boy !
3 Israel sees hope for peace talks after UN switch
4 Major sees hope for improvement
5 Norman Lamont joins IBM as chief financial officer , says he sees glimmers of green among the brown shoots of economic winter .
7 Aitkenhead ( 1987 ) sees research on women as a way to start tackling men 's greater power in psychology .
8 He says no inmate sees mail before prison staff .
9 These hints had their final expression in an astonishing personal letter written by Knox to Mary on 26 October 1559 , claiming that ‘ if it be the office of a very friend to give true and faithful counsel to them whom he sees run to destruction for lack of the same , I could not be proven enemy to your Grace but rather a friend unfeigned ’ — even if moderation was never Knox 's strong suit and so , unable to keep up the quiet tone of the letter , he felt impelled to throw in a postscript : ‘ God move your heart yet in time to consider that ye fight not against man , but against the eternal God , and against his Son Jesus Christ , the only Prince of the kings of the earth . ’
10 Organiser Alan Murray , however , sees danger from Liverpool and Knowsley .
11 The valuation of high cultural works of art , which sees possibilities of critique only in an aesthetic realm that is separate from the social , is constitutive of the modernist aesthetic of critical theory 's ‘ mainstream ’ .
12 Any view which sees self-affirmation in terms of an ‘ authentic ’ inner self arising from the smashing of a socially conditioned ‘ false self ’ , or which sees autonomy as a question of the origin of actions from ‘ inside ’ rather than ‘ outside ’ , is almost bound to adopt , however implicitly , a derogatory attitude towards those who are not yet ‘ authentic ’ .
13 Where Hegel sees national or supra-national civilisations as the instrument or the perfecting dialectic , Marx sees classes of society ; and where Hegel sees history as the account of the development of the abstract spirit of humanity — or , perhaps better , of the development of human consciousness — Marx relates his view to the mode of production which he sees as comprehending within itself all the factors affecting the formation and attributes of a society .
14 Charles sees troops in war zone
15 Um it 's almost as if the debate about false memory syndrome is embedded in an older notion of memory , embedded in a notion of memory as if it were either literally true or literally false , embedded in a notion of memory which sees memories as things like larders or cupboards or filing cabinets and um y'know people pick the memories out and get them out and and display them to other people .
16 Commenting on its figures ( see page seven ) , Datapoint Corp says that the decline in revenue as of January 30 was down mainly to unfavourable foreign currency translations and an interruption of the French subsidiary 's operations following a fire in its leased warehouse — but there are some bulls of the shares around these days : analyst Howard Harlow of New York 's Whale Securities sees a major turnaround and a doubling in value of the shares over the next 12 months ; he sees earnings of $0.60 a share in 1993 followed by $1.20 a share in 1994 .
17 The organizational ‘ environment ’ has formed part of a managerial perspective on structures of authority which sees variations in management structures and forms of control as reflecting the mainly economic environment of the organization .
18 The constitutional authorities were mindful of the constraints imposed by elections and trade unions , but the Left sees democracy in Britain as constrained , not by these things , but by the presence of unaccountable economic power and by the independent power of those closed and secret parts of the state machine that are not popularly elected and that are not even truly accountable to , or effectively controlled by , that part of Parliament that is subject to regular election by the people .
19 Another sees Riesenhuber in charge of a new ministry of the environment , where he could head off the political challenge of the Green movement which enters the West German parliament for the first time after the election successes .
20 From the above , we can extract that the person doing the exercise values strong opinions , sociability , humour , assertiveness , charm , loyalty to people , thoroughness , self-discipline and intellect as strengths ; and sees loyalty to causes , lack of information and analysis , over-anxiety to please people , caution , lack of sensitivity , meanness and inflexibility as weaknesses .
21 I think she still sees Cathy at times
22 There are hints of this in Middle English — the critical moment in Sir Orfeo comes when the king in his madness sees ladies at falconry , and laughs — while there is a modern analogue in Joseph Conrad 's The Shadow-Line ( 1917 ) , where laughter is an exorcising force .
23 The minister sees biotechnology as Australia 's best opportunity .
24 This Saturday sees JOYRIDER in action there , while FOUR IDLE HANDS will be on stage next week , followed by FLYING SAUCER CULT the week after that .
25 Freud questions any easy ( or utopian ) idea or ideal of the unity of the self , he questions the idea that self-knowledge could ever be a matter of simple introspection , and he sees issues about desire and fantasy as central to subjectivity .
26 She sees children as victims of recent trends which encourage their mothers to relinquish their mothering role , for part of the day at least .
27 This is anecdotal evidence to be sure , but it lends support to a considerable body of opinion which sees training of children as either inadequate or ineffective :
28 New boy Hunt sees training in action
29 ‘ Any authority which sees abrogation of responsibility to drug users as an option is badly advised . ’
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