Example sentences of "to produce [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 Although schools and teachers I visited may not always have been able to produce copies of the official syllabus , everyone had copies of previous years ' questions and were assiduously preparing children to sit for the current examination .
2 In the present case if Mr. Tully refused to disclose his dealings with the moneys of Abbey or Wessex or refused to produce copies of the documents relevant to those dealings , he would be in breach of the order of Buckley J. and liable to be fined or imprisoned by the judge for contempt of court .
3 A number of political and cultural theorists have deployed Lacanian ideas to produce accounts of the generation and interpellation of the subject within social relations .
4 The tapes will be needed to produce archives of the transferred table plus a security of the changed table .
5 Recent developments in modelling cognitive processes on computers have changed the situation quite dramatically and there is now a realistic chance of being able to produce models of the way cognitive processes are carried out that are sufficiently precise and detailed for them to be tested properly against what happens in the brain ( McNaughton and Morris 1987 ) .
6 A professional environment must be created so that the members have confidence in the educational system to produce persons of the right calibre with the ability to bring identity and credit to the profession .
7 Eighteenth-century observers often argued that naval battles between opponents of more or less equal strength were almost certain to be indecisive , that naval warfare was by its nature unlikely to produce victories of the kind which might be expected on land .
8 Work is in hand to include more advanced physical models and to produce implementations of the suite on vector and concurrent architectures .
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