Example sentences of "to produce [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 With much wider powers than its predecessor , the Secondary Examinations Council ( SEC ) , SEAC is also heir to the recommendations of another of the Secretary of State 's ad hoc working parties , the Task Group on Assessment and Testing ( TGAT ) which was set up at the same time as the first curriculum working groups and , like them , worked under enormous pressure to produce proposals for the assessment of the National Curriculum .
2 Although schools and teachers I visited may not always have been able to produce copies of the official syllabus , everyone had copies of previous years ' questions and were assiduously preparing children to sit for the current examination .
3 In the present case if Mr. Tully refused to disclose his dealings with the moneys of Abbey or Wessex or refused to produce copies of the documents relevant to those dealings , he would be in breach of the order of Buckley J. and liable to be fined or imprisoned by the judge for contempt of court .
4 Indeed I am rather coming round to the view that the trouble last year was not that we failed to produce as good policies as our opponents but that we failed to produce policies for the issues the electorate was most interested in .
5 In order to produce notes outside the rather restricted number determined by the harmonic series it is therefore necessary to alter the pitch of the fundamental .
6 A number of political and cultural theorists have deployed Lacanian ideas to produce accounts of the generation and interpellation of the subject within social relations .
7 TOP teams continue to be created to produce improvements across the company .
8 2.21 Further sums should be added for any services that the deceased provided for the benefit of his dependants ( eg gardening to produce vegetables for the family , decorating and any simple repairs around the house ) .
9 In Germany the dukes and counts — old royal officers now become semi-independent feudal lords — had obligations to produce knights for the imperial army .
10 But , although the game continues to produce books by the yard , only one this year made any impact on a library already overstocked with histories and instruction tomes , and even that was published back in April .
11 Second , to produce guidelines for the matching of technological developments to user requirements .
12 The free trade agreement between Canada and the USA ( signed in 1988 and implemented from Jan. 1 , 1989 ) , which provided for the eventual abolition of all customs duties between the USA and Canada after one , five and 10 years , continued to produce disputes between the two countries over specific items during 1990 .
13 The tapes will be needed to produce archives of the transferred table plus a security of the changed table .
14 Recent developments in modelling cognitive processes on computers have changed the situation quite dramatically and there is now a realistic chance of being able to produce models of the way cognitive processes are carried out that are sufficiently precise and detailed for them to be tested properly against what happens in the brain ( McNaughton and Morris 1987 ) .
15 The K mesons live long enough to produce tracks in the CLEO detector , so the team could work back from detected K mesons to hunt for those that seemed likely to have originated from a B meson .
16 This argument is a weak one : there is no clear evidence that such phonetic differences exist , and even if there were such evidence , it would be easy to produce explanations for the differences that did not depend on phonemic analyses ( e.g. the position of the word boundary in ‘ watch apes ’ , ‘ what shapes ’ ) .
17 The probability is that in May or October ( still a toss-up between them ) Mrs Thatcher will offer more of the same , judging by what has been emerging from the dozen policy groups set up to produce ideas for the manifesto .
18 Among the situational factors influencing variation , it is possible to pick out some which could be described as stylistic , and many linguists have attempted to produce frameworks for the analysis of style in language .
19 Further demands on such areas may actually begin to produce diseconomies in the form of increased congestion and " overheating " .
20 The study aims to describe and analyse how the various actors involved in police policy-making — the Home Office , Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Constabulary , the Home Secretary , the police authorities , pressure and community groups , political parties , the media , as well as the police themselves — interact to produce changes in the style , organisation or operation of policing on the ground .
21 BLUNDERING birdwatchers may be to blame for the failure of England 's only breeding pair of Golden Eagles to produce chicks for the first time in four years .
22 His own vicissitudes in love are a feature of the story he tells , as is his attempt to understand his disconcerting brother and to produce reflections on the meaning of it all .
23 A professional environment must be created so that the members have confidence in the educational system to produce persons of the right calibre with the ability to bring identity and credit to the profession .
24 What was equally obvious , however , was that unless a high resolution output device could be found to produce pages from the system the company would still be firmly locked into a typesetting bureau for output .
25 Eighteenth-century observers often argued that naval battles between opponents of more or less equal strength were almost certain to be indecisive , that naval warfare was by its nature unlikely to produce victories of the kind which might be expected on land .
26 It is at this point that gonorrhoea may start to produce symptoms in the female .
27 The ability to produce flowers at the drop of a hat or a cake to celebrate a customer 's birthday should all be at his or her fingertips .
28 It is this ability to produce flowers throughout the summer and early autumn that ranks them with the true annuals when it comes to creating the most colourful and long lasting planting schemes .
29 Finally , software that can run under the environment manager and allow the results of programs such as word processors and graphics packages to be merged to produce results on the page printer .
30 In response , it is not difficult to produce examples from the practice of science that illustrate the same point , namely , that what observers see , the subjective experiences that they undergo , when viewing an object or scene is not determined solely by the images on their retinas but depends also on the experience , knowledge , expectations and general inner state of the observer .
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