Example sentences of "efforts [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is this tension that can then sometimes be seen as leading to central efforts to curb the independence of agencies whose initial freedom was provided by government .
2 Amid tight security the Presidents of the United States , Colombia , Peru and Bolivia met in the Colombian Caribbean resort of Cartagena and signed on Feb. 15 the Cartagena Declaration , pledging their governments to intensify and co-ordinate efforts to curb the consumption , production and trafficking of cocaine .
3 French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas said on Dec. 27 that France would participate in UN efforts to enforce the flight ban .
4 During his five years in office he combined vigorous measures to suppress continuing disorder with efforts to promote a programme of reforms which he hoped would prevent a recurrence of the upheaval of 1905 .
5 All other efforts to lose the fat from the offending areas proved a disaster because if I lost weight below 8 st 7 lbs ( 54 kg ) my bust disappeared yet nothing went from my legs or posterior !
6 Laurie Mains is at the centre of efforts to heal the rift between players and media .
7 Harold Watkinson had not survived as Secretary of State for Defence long enough to see his counter-reformation completed , but he did have the satisfaction of knowing that , had it not been for his efforts to swing the pendulum of British Defence policy back into the centre of the spectrum of war , Britain 's disengagement from empire would not have been so successful .
8 The independent Electoral Reform Society said the drop was largely due to efforts to evade the poll tax .
9 On the final day of the conference the Forum leaders decided to make greater efforts to combat the use of their countries for drug trafficking and money laundering by agreeing a new regional law enforcement arrangement to boost co-operation among their police and customs forces .
10 BRITAIN was yesterday accused of undermining international efforts to combat the greenhouse effect , as Mrs Thatcher flew to New York to declare to the United Nations her concern about the environment and reveal a number of British initiatives .
11 They will highlight their plight at UNCED and call for greater urgency in efforts to combat the greenhouse effect .
12 The Chinese government has refused to agree to binding targets for cuts in carbon emissions , but is prepared to co-operate " in principle " with international efforts to combat the greenhouse effect .
13 This chapter outlines the Soviet characterisation of Great Power military bases and facilities on foreign territories and analyses Soviet efforts to implement a strategy of ‘ base denial ’ .
14 Since the military coup in September 1991 , international efforts to support the struggle for human rights and democracy in Haiti have been hampered by lack of reliable information and well-balanced analysis .
15 The Government 's earlier reluctance to put its hand in its pocket had led property experts to accuse it of unwittingly aiding and abetting the IRA 's efforts to disrupt the City .
16 This blind adherence to ancient beliefs dating from times when all nature was a mystery and man 's efforts to penetrate the enigma of his beginnings quite beyond his mental capacity , is even more difficult to understand when viewed in the light of his advances along all other frontiers of knowledge .
17 In 1162 the senate of Rome made great efforts to preserve the column of Trajan for the Roman people and visitors to Rome were beginning to admire the great classical monuments of the past — the Arch of Constantine , the Pantheon and the statue of Venus .
18 Certainly , preventive strategies and modern medicine will tend to counteract negative selective forces and will maintain the frequency of the thrifty genotype in human populations , but , as Neel soberly pointed out , ‘ efforts to preserve the diabetes genotype through this transient period of plenty are in the interests of mankind , ’ for some time in the future we may again be glad to have it .
19 Despite the Bank of Spain 's best efforts to assure the market that it will prove no less doughty , dealers are not convinced .
20 Founder Mark Glover promised to continue the group 's work : " Our efforts to continue the campaign may well be better concentrated elsewhere , on the continent or in the US . "
21 What is perhaps more disturbing is Harden 's statement that , apart from a few recently introduced measures , efforts to conserve the soil resource are not being undertaken , implying that soil conservation is not an intrinsic component of local agricultural practices .
22 Yet , as he himself admitted , these conscious efforts to conduct the career of popular novelist in a business-like manner were never entirely happy :
23 Field studies were also important for early efforts to monitor the environment , an area with which governments were increasingly concerned .
24 Its absence is probably not a great loss to the exhibit , but the museum 's efforts to obtain a sample involved a trip to Munich !
25 Nevertheless , Reeves ' view is broadly confirmed by Barbara Kellerman 's revealing case study of Ford 's efforts to obtain a tax cut from congress .
26 He urged the Government to make the strongest protests and redouble efforts to obtain the release of other British citizens held .
27 The local authority , which had sought the guidance of the court and had supported the mother 's successful efforts to obtain the order , had in the meanwhile reconsidered its position .
28 Mr Geoffrey Barnes , Hong Kong 's secretary for security , said the action had been taken only after ‘ repeated efforts to obtain the co-operation of boat people and warnings that the search would have to be carried out regardless of their objections ’ .
29 By the time of King Hussein 's Aug. 13 visit to Iraq for talks with Saddam Hussein , his efforts to contain the dispute within the Arab world had failed and he was directing his efforts at constructing an effective bloc along with the PLO , Yemen , Sudan , Algeria and Tunisia .
30 In light of this appeal it was ironic that a superpower crisis developed from subsequent Soviet efforts to establish a missile base in Cuba .
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