Example sentences of "turning into a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Who could tell whether the rout might not merely be accelerated , turning into a complete collapse and unbarring the most direct approach to Paris ?
2 I am rapidly turning into a ghastly old queen ogling rent boys .
3 Her sisters , brothers-in-law , nephews , nieces and a couple of aunts were coming over , and it looked like turning into a noisy , boisterous family affair .
4 They 're still convinced America is about to implode under the weight of its compounding debt , turning into a bigger version of a Latin American banana republic only without the bananas .
5 There seemed something all too appropriate about my exchange with this survivor of British radicalism in the thirties turning into a demeaning wrangle over a small amount of money .
6 When Maggie tried to tell Phoebe about her gruelling embarrassment Phoebe just laughed and told her she was turning into a bourgeois little creep and should perhaps be taking domestic science and dress-making .
7 As the days passed it became clear to Ned 's family that he was drifting away from them and his strange affair with the stone was fast turning into a deep and meaningful relationship !
8 Roman exclaimed in satisfaction and , turning into a wide drive , pulled up in front of a building that said it was a motor halt .
9 Then , with a purposely studied look at Celia 's figure , she added , ‘ It is so nice to feel it will be turning into a real family home at last .
10 In February 1990 , while I was still Minister for Housing , I wrote to the Chancellor of the Exchequer : ‘ There must be a danger now of a demand squeeze turning into a real threat to supply-side confidence .
11 She was turning into a real weepie !
12 Robyn asked coolly , aware that this was in danger of turning into a real humdinger of a slanging match — if it had n't achieved that status already !
13 Yeah oh he 's turning into a real dog .
14 At last he may be turning into a credible historical figure , capable of being understood , even admired .
15 The posh end of the market was dominated by new-wave consumer journalism which was turning into a grotesque parody of the ‘ lifestyle ’ politics the Right-Ons had pioneered .
16 It was , however , also a period when complete adult suffrage was achieved , and in which a political consensus was built up that enabled the Labour Party to establish itself alongside the older parties , so that an element of working-class power developed without turning into a revolutionary force .
17 I felt my eyelids begin to droop and the warmth of the room slowly turning into a soft buzz in my head , the sort of sound which so often precedes the sudden slip into sleep itself .
18 Sarella felt him stiffen as if expecting his brother 's anger to turn to blows , but Marc went on rapidly , ‘ Why ca n't any of us talk without it turning into a slanging match ?
19 Just like the fairy tale about the ugly duckling turning into a lovely white swan , butterflies have a similar story .
20 I suppose I 'm turning into a foolish old woman .
21 ‘ Unfortunately , the ravens ’ song is turning into a constant hymn . ’
22 He was turning into a porky little Buddha , but compared to everyone else in the room he was life itself , vibrant , irreverent and laughing .
23 He told me I was turning into a jealous old queen but before he slammed the phone down he agreed not to tell Mother about the death .
24 A COLLEGE course about former Prime Minister Lady Thatcher looks like turning into a giant flop .
25 ‘ But it was turning into a very , very serious problem .
26 It 's difficult to imaging a newborn chick turning into a beautiful bird like the barn owl .
27 But Beryl is an ugly duckling rapidly turning into a beautiful swan … all through the hard work of recovering mental patients .
28 Already , within a week of being launched , what the conspirators had intended as a smooth , swift , surgical coup d ‘ état was turning into a full-scale civil war .
29 She was turning into a different person with a different face .
30 I was very dismayed that I could n't enjoy swapping ideas with Brian any more without things turning into a do-or-die debate .
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