Example sentences of "turning up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 instead of turning up towards the Royal Standard you turn the other way , that comes down past .
2 ‘ Jansher was warned by the players ’ chairman , Phil Whitlock , for not turning up to the official function at the Singapore Open last month .
3 And ethical investors in the City have taken up the SAS cause — some actually turning up to the SAS summer ball and joining in the dancing to Dezzman Devan 's reggae band and London funksters Push .
4 She told herself that if she did not look up she would not need to see it and after a while this not-looking would become habitual , but in the event she could not prevent her eyes from turning up to the campanile .
5 She does n't fancy turning up to the supermarket in it !
6 Gesner , turning up for the dress rehearsal the next morning , was rather bored .
7 Crowds waited outside the venue to catch a glimpse of pop stars turning up for the awards ceremony , being televised on ITV by Carlton tonight .
8 They chuck all these people out of mental hospitals on the excuse that everyone in the community is spontaneously going to start looking after them — and surprise , surprise , they start turning up on the night shelter circuit .
9 I heard many a rumour in Suffolk pubs of Germans dressed as British soldiers turning up on the shoreline , and I found locals who insisted that Churchill had visited the area in November 1943 and inspected some American bomber bases .
10 No point in turning up at the school if young Nick was n't going to be there .
11 Quite a number of them were turning up at the BBC and the harassed receptionist was heard to say , as she reported the arrival of yet another , ‘ I 'm sorry , where did you say you were king of ? ’
12 Word of Denim , Lawrence 's conceptual thrust into the 1990s , began to circulate immediately , but then the trail went cold apart from overheard rumours and the odd piece of rogue merchandising ( Denim patches and plectrums ) turning up at the NME .
13 At their first meeting , Berenson is described as ‘ a gentleman with a reddish beard ’ ; apologising for turning up at the artist 's studio unannounced , he offered the excuse that he was ‘ the person who bought all your pictures from Torrini ’ ( an antique dealer with whom Joni placed his first works for sale ) .
14 What they do n't like is turning up at the House of Commons and having to do some work , because they ca n't stand the pressure .
15 It 's very amusing , and you 've explained it amusingly to us , but er , there 's a lot of truth , I think in er , what you say and er how can we , er make the best of these unwelcome guests who insist on turning up at the most inopportune times , when we 're trying to enjoy ourselves .
16 They 're all turning up at the Evesham Leisure Centre to learn circus skills .
17 Turning up under the new name of ABC Workstation Solutions Ltd , Harpenden , Hertfordshire , the checkered past of this UK start-up has taken some interesting turns .
18 The little booklet , which is turning up in the oddest of places , tells us for instance that ‘ Butter is a natural product — alternatives are different . ’
19 Creatures that bestride the dividing line between amphibians and reptiles and between mammals and protomammals , are constantly turning up in the fossil record .
20 It is difficult to avoid the further thought that the given characterization of consciousness is elliptical , and that when it is filled in , as it must be , we are no further ahead , but have our definiendum turning up in the definiens .
21 The poem is thus curiously " displaced " , a late Victorian work turning up in the crisp 1930s , the Auden decade .
22 Turning up like the proverbial bad penny , acting for all the world like the Mountie who always got his man — or , in her case , woman .
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