Example sentences of "turning [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 How much more enjoyable is turning as a pure hobby !
2 Similar to ( ii ) except that the new access road after passing below the railway line continues northwards alongside the Bypass and under the line of the Baberton Mains Farm Access road before turning through a reverse loop to join this line and cross the Bypass as before .
3 It was as if , thought the queen-dowager fancifully , the world had stopped turning for a few moments , immobilised by the enormity of her action .
4 Who could tell whether the rout might not merely be accelerated , turning into a complete collapse and unbarring the most direct approach to Paris ?
5 I am rapidly turning into a ghastly old queen ogling rent boys .
6 Her sisters , brothers-in-law , nephews , nieces and a couple of aunts were coming over , and it looked like turning into a noisy , boisterous family affair .
7 They 're still convinced America is about to implode under the weight of its compounding debt , turning into a bigger version of a Latin American banana republic only without the bananas .
8 There seemed something all too appropriate about my exchange with this survivor of British radicalism in the thirties turning into a demeaning wrangle over a small amount of money .
9 When Maggie tried to tell Phoebe about her gruelling embarrassment Phoebe just laughed and told her she was turning into a bourgeois little creep and should perhaps be taking domestic science and dress-making .
10 As the days passed it became clear to Ned 's family that he was drifting away from them and his strange affair with the stone was fast turning into a deep and meaningful relationship !
11 Roman exclaimed in satisfaction and , turning into a wide drive , pulled up in front of a building that said it was a motor halt .
12 Then , with a purposely studied look at Celia 's figure , she added , ‘ It is so nice to feel it will be turning into a real family home at last .
13 In February 1990 , while I was still Minister for Housing , I wrote to the Chancellor of the Exchequer : ‘ There must be a danger now of a demand squeeze turning into a real threat to supply-side confidence .
14 She was turning into a real weepie !
15 Robyn asked coolly , aware that this was in danger of turning into a real humdinger of a slanging match — if it had n't achieved that status already !
16 Yeah oh he 's turning into a real dog .
17 At last he may be turning into a credible historical figure , capable of being understood , even admired .
18 The posh end of the market was dominated by new-wave consumer journalism which was turning into a grotesque parody of the ‘ lifestyle ’ politics the Right-Ons had pioneered .
19 It was , however , also a period when complete adult suffrage was achieved , and in which a political consensus was built up that enabled the Labour Party to establish itself alongside the older parties , so that an element of working-class power developed without turning into a revolutionary force .
20 I felt my eyelids begin to droop and the warmth of the room slowly turning into a soft buzz in my head , the sort of sound which so often precedes the sudden slip into sleep itself .
21 Sarella felt him stiffen as if expecting his brother 's anger to turn to blows , but Marc went on rapidly , ‘ Why ca n't any of us talk without it turning into a slanging match ?
22 Just like the fairy tale about the ugly duckling turning into a lovely white swan , butterflies have a similar story .
23 I suppose I 'm turning into a foolish old woman .
24 ‘ Unfortunately , the ravens ’ song is turning into a constant hymn . ’
25 He was turning into a porky little Buddha , but compared to everyone else in the room he was life itself , vibrant , irreverent and laughing .
26 He told me I was turning into a jealous old queen but before he slammed the phone down he agreed not to tell Mother about the death .
27 A COLLEGE course about former Prime Minister Lady Thatcher looks like turning into a giant flop .
28 ‘ But it was turning into a very , very serious problem .
29 It 's difficult to imaging a newborn chick turning into a beautiful bird like the barn owl .
30 But Beryl is an ugly duckling rapidly turning into a beautiful swan … all through the hard work of recovering mental patients .
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