Example sentences of "to talk of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter leaves crucial questions unasked , such as : What sense does it make to talk of a God who is both ‘ in ’ and ‘ out ’ of the world ?
2 Is it realistic to talk of a multiplicity of body plans in the Cambrian , far exceeding that of the present day ?
3 The grammatical similarity of this to talk of a person feeling , say a pin in his foot might lead one to suppose that pains are in parts of one 's body in the same way as pins , wounds and broken bones , are in parts of one 's body ; that is , that they differ from these latter only in being invisible , intangible , and so on : they are the proper objects of the sense of pain .
4 While there are less accomplished versions of the more elaborate examples in a given region , as in Kent , the virtuosity of the buckle , shoulder clasps and purse from mound 1 at Sutton Hoo inevitably led Speake to talk of a Sutton Hoo master craftsman and a workshop ; later pieces may have been produced by workers trained there .
5 The then Foreign Minister Boyko Dimitrov immediately restated the long-held Bulgarian position that there were no historical or legal grounds to talk of a Macedonian minority inside Bulgaria .
6 To understand this , one has to think along certain lines , about what it means to talk of a sensation being in a certain part of one 's body .
7 I offered to talk of a duty superior to that she mentioned , which would oblige her to help distressed innocence , and not permit her to go to the lengths enjoined by lawless tyranny ; but she plainly bid me be silent on that head ; for it was vain to attempt to persuade her to betray her trust .
8 By August 1936 it was no longer appropriate to talk of a coup .
9 The shift is so striking that it has led one commentator ( Young 1984 : 22 ) to talk of an explosion of ‘ civic assertiveness ’ .
10 The relevant considerations are ( 1 ) that to talk of an interpretation may be to talk of something one consciously does , an action ( in the Brown Book the corresponding question was whether ‘ B derived that the object shown to him was a pencil ’ [ my italics ] ) ; and ( 2 ) that the possibility of an alternative interpretation ( using the word now not to refer to an action ) may not have occurred to the person concerned .
11 At a time when the problems of war and , later , unemployment were national priorities , it would be fallacious to talk of the existence of a ‘ poverty lobby ’ , operating on a broad front and according equal status to all disadvantaged groups .
12 Mr Palios said : ‘ It 's more appropriate to talk of the company having badwill than goodwill . ’
13 It was considered even less seemly to talk of the art market and collecting , but Bonito Oliva refused to bow to such conventions and , in 1974 wrote an essay entitled ‘ Mercato come opera d'arte ’ ( The market as a work of art ) , giving historical instances of how the market had often anticipated the choices of museums and art critics .
14 ( It turns out that there may be a number of lexicons used by the skilled reader — for input and output processing , and for input of words by sight or sound — but for our purposes it is sufficient to talk of the lexicon as the store of word meanings .
15 Legends of these terrible sea routes reached the Old World and caused men to talk of the Elf-realm with dread .
16 To talk of the rights of the nation was one thing , to descend to the streets and appeal to the mob was unthinkable to magistrates whose obsessive concern was the preservation of order .
17 Our response to talk of the birth of a daughter is that a daughter was born , provided of course that the talk and the child are separated ( that same device ) by a long period of time and a reasonable number of pages .
18 Perhaps the main reason why we are so strongly inclined to talk of the head as the locality of our thoughts is this …
19 To talk of the movies then was to talk of the masses .
20 To talk of the presentation appearance , on the other hand , is to talk of something that can , itself , properly be said to be large , round , blue , and so on .
21 Although in this last case we should note that it is much harder to talk of the sentence being ‘ wrong ’ ; there are circumstances when people validly violate semantic norms , as we shall see .
22 In truth , it is not quite correct to refer to talk of the Institute 's ‘ deafening silence ’ on this matter , as , in its evidence to the Cadbury Committee , the Institute 's Financial Reporting and Auditing Group was actually supportive of the Caparo position !
23 You 're right to talk of the past .
24 With no less force than on the dog 's behalf might the third-party claim that the law should intervene to see the job is done , but there would be no inclination to talk of the right of the grave to be maintained .
25 In the same way we are not able to talk of the volume of agricultural yields and the excess per capita from the farms .
26 But successive generations of women artists have searched for a specifically non-representational ( or abstract ) way to talk of the body .
27 Under such pressure the hacker broke down and confessed : ‘ … he began to talk of the pleasure he got out of playing the weirdest experimental games with the computer …
28 It is not sufficient merely to talk of the articulation of two independent spheres ( Bourdieu 1984 : 230 ) .
29 It would be unkind to talk of the pollsters making excuses , but they do have explanations .
30 As she showed him the barn , they began to talk of the forest .
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