Example sentences of "partly [subord] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Park West ward councillor , Mrs Heather Scott ( Con ) , told the meeting the original application was turned down partly because of Ministry of Transport objections about traffic access .
2 The result was a substantial increase in survival partly because of surgery and partly because of the greatly improved general care that infants received .
3 Er much reference has already been made to this er golden corridor between Leeds a and York and I I really fail to see th that it is going to pose the the threat that some people think it will and and the analysis that we 've carried carried out has has thrown up two two figures , one in the region of twenty er a need of twenty to twenty five hectares in what describe as a northern centre based on on Tadcaster and I think we acknowledge that er we may struggle to achieve those twenty to twenty five hectares in and around Tadcaster , partly because of greenbelt constraint and and partly because of other constraints .
4 Yet imports stay low , partly because foreign firms do not always try hard enough to crack Japan , but partly because of over-regulation .
5 Bond prices have since fallen and yields risen , partly because of inflation worries , but more because of a worldwide liquidity squeeze which has caused bond yields to rise virtually everywhere .
6 Partly because of water privatisation the problem has been played down because it will cost millions of pounds to solve .
7 Partly because of Treasury pressure to limit the overall cost of the scheme and partly due to ageist assumptions concerning the needs of older people , the National Insurance pension was set at a level of bare subsistence rather than adequate maintenance .
8 Vincent — partly because of exhaustion — had not written to a soul in months .
9 One suspects that Arsenal and Norwich are facing disrepute charges partly because of TV coverage at home and abroad and partly because between Saturday afternoon and Monday morning various sections of the media had built up a fine head of steam in demanding that the FA take action .
10 Mr Sommer also believes the basic offence of entering a computer will be virtually unenforceable , partly because of lack of police manpower and partly because arrest warrants for this less serious offence will involve applying to a magistrate .
11 The report claimed that the Code of Guidance which accompanied the Registered Homes Act of 1984 was not being applied , partly because of lack of resources and partly because of the restricted power of local authorities .
12 Partly , perhaps , because of the impact of this degrading defeat , partly because of heritage , he had become the ‘ High Priest ’ of the de Grandmaison sect of ‘ Attaque à outrance ’ .
13 They were low in the later years partly because recruitment continued until 1986 and partly because of non-attendance .
14 She said that it was partly because of drink — that all the Stavangers drank , and that her father knew he was drinking too much , but that he never drank at sea .
15 This was partly because of government restrictions on capital spending on distribution to below what engineers in the industry considered desirable .
16 For the last three years the number of fires recorded during the Amazon burning season , July to October , has fallen , partly because of government action and partly because the economic slump has affected cattle ranchers and farmers .
17 This was partly because of respect for Andy Tyrie , the intelligent supreme commander , but even more to the existence of battalions outside Belfast that were well disciplined with dedicated officers and that were free of crime .
18 Land use planning decisions also generate a considerable volume of litigation , once again partly because of the value of what is at stake and partly because of dissatisfaction with the system of planning appeals .
19 Partly because of anguish that they failed to anticipate Ethiopia 's 1984–85 famine , and partly to cajole rich countries into giving lots of food , aid workers do tend to err on the side of exaggeration .
20 ‘ No stock-taking ’ policies are adopted partly because of staffing shortages , but also on the premise that stock-taking is a waste of time because it does not bring back the missing books , and any item which is really important will be requested on reservation ( though a central reservation system , if employed , may mean that missing titles go unnoticed ) .
21 Up-to-date valuations of such properties had not been undertaken for many years previously , partly because of business people 's complaints that any revaluations of commercial properties could inevitably lead to an increase in their total tax bill .
22 Progress on these schemes has been slower , partly because recession has sapped German enthusiasm for self-inflicted environmental costs , and partly because of opposition from the federal economics ministry .
23 Inflation , which fell back from an annual rate of 79 per cent in January 1990 to 1.7 per cent in August , was at 4 to 5 per cent a month for the rest of the year , partly because of oil price rises due to the Gulf war .
24 Typical of Geoff 's talent was the opening goal he scored to set us on the way to a Wembley victory over Everton in the Zenith Data Systems Cup Final in April 1991 , cleaving his way though The Toffees ' defence to head home from a corner and , perhaps partly because of Palace 's and Geoff 's success at Wembley , he was awarded his first full International cap when England travelled to Turkey for the European Nations Championship tie on May Day 1991 .
25 Let me say right away that partly because of aid official and through N G Os such as you , many people in developing countries are living healthier , happier and more secure lives .
26 7.2.1 At present , general practitioners are free to refer to the hospital and consultant of their choice , although in practice this freedom has been restricted in recent years , partly because of health authorities ' reluctance to accept cross-boundary patients .
27 Fluticasone propionate is a potent topically active fluorinated corticosteroid with low systemic bioavailability after oral administration , partly because of malabsorption , and partly because of extensive first pass metabolism .
28 Partly because of Teller 's withdrawal it was necessary to bring in ‘ British ’ scientists ; Klaus Fuchs became a hard-working member of the team .
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