Example sentences of "lived in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were , after all , Soviet citizens , who lived in the Soviet Union , not Russia or Kirghizia as it used to be called .
2 After the Civil War ended in 1939 Ibárruri lived in the Soviet Union and was leader of the PCE in exile , first as secretary-general in 1942 and then as president from 1960 .
3 Martha was not the only child who lived in the highest settlement , but she was the only one who was ordered to school each day .
4 Nothing lived in the entire village , and there was no sign of what had caused the deaths .
5 Shallow cores show that the pebbly sands and clays that came originally came from the ice-sheet contain shells that lived in the shallower waters of the continental shelf .
6 She lived in the Palestinian camp at Rashidiyeh , a wretched four square miles of breeze-block huts and cabins relieved only by the occasional tree , a straggling plant hanging from a poorly made brick wall and an open sewer that snaked uneasily down the centre of the mud roads .
7 " The skeleton of a micro-organism which lived in the ancient seas from which the chalk in the putty was deposited .
8 Some 500,000,000 people lived in the 42 LDCs ( 110,000,000 of them in Bangladesh ) , where population growth averaged 2.6 per cent .
9 What ways did the families differ then that lived in those sort of houses to the families that lived in the terraced houses ?
10 A section of the hardboard wall was tugged aside , and Chrissie glimpsed the pale , unshaven features of the man who lived in the concealed room .
11 This view , named Nestorianism after Bishop Nestorius who lived in the fifth century , is still hinted at today .
12 Jessamy lived in the ground-floor flat , with direct access to the garden through old-fashioned French windows .
13 In 1801 a mere twenty-five people lived in the four houses that comprised the settlement of Middlesborough and thirty years later the population stood at only 154 .
14 As in most provincial towns of the time , the wealthiest families lived in the central area and the poorest people lived in the thickly-populated outskirts .
15 The Imperial family lived in the southern wing of the Tuileries , that is , between the Pavillon de l'Horloge and the Seine facing the Pont Royal .
16 What had originated as a spontaneous civilian outburst now began to be depicted in the international media as a revolt by Iraq 's majority Shia community , most of whom lived in the southern part of the country .
17 From the shade beneath the trees emerged each day some of the considerable number of people who lived in the mysterious heights .
18 It is clear that these women subscribers lived in the best parts of London .
19 The grid street plan is believed to have originated earlier and further east , possibly in Mesopotamia , but the concept is familiarly associated with the name of Hippodamos , a Greek philosopher and town planner who lived in the early fifth century B.C. This is due to Aristotle who ascribed its invention to Hippodamos who was born in Miletos .
20 Excitement mounted ; in her memoirs Princess Marie Louise quotes Sir Edwin Lutyens as saying , ‘ Let us devise and design for all time something which will enable future generations to see how a king and queen of England lived in the twentieth century , and what authors , artists and craftsmen of note there were during their reign . ’
21 The overwhelming majority of Russians — some 83 per cent in the 1989 census — lived in the Russian Republic , where they accounted for the same proportion of the local population .
22 They were concerned most , however , about one section of the mass audience and that was the hard-core army of regular adolescent film-goers who lived in the disorganized city centres , the so-called ‘ crowded section ’ .
23 I used to take them home on quite a number of occasions if I 'd known that they lived in the immediate vicinity .
24 The Buckinghamshire freeholders who lived in the immediate neighbourhood of the Tory local landowner , Sir John Verney , in fact also tended to poll in favour of the Whigs .
25 Only she lived in the posh part , called Hove , and whenever people said ‘ You live in Brighton , do n't you ? ’ it was normal to reply ‘ Hove , actually ’ until it almost had become the name , Hove-Actually .
26 It occurs to me , for example , that given that all we 've heard this afternoon about the fact that a new settlement and again I 'm playing devil 's advocate , that if it were possible to build onto an existing settlement the quality of life of those who lived in the new settlement might in fact be better than if they were , to put it crudely , finding themselves in the middle of a field .
27 It worked out and then they only lived in the other half while they were doing it , was n't it ?
28 More than 125 people lived in the two blocks of flats , the Press Trust of India reported .
29 At least 125 people who lived in the two buildings were either dead or critically injured .
30 Now there was once a Queen , who might have been thought to have everything she could desire in the world , but had set her heart on a strange silent bird a traveller had told of , which lived in the snowy mountains , nested only once , raised its gold and silver chick , sang once only , and then faded like snow in the lowlands .
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