Example sentences of "call [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Call for the executioner ! ’
2 In practical terms they call for the government to help buy and protect the Mar Lodge Estate — 77 000 acre plot of land in the Cairngorms which has been up for sale since May .
3 There may be an element of revolutionary wishful thinking here : if all the system had to worry about was the minority of people who seriously call for the abolition of prisons or the prospect of the imminent overthrow of capitalism there would not be much of a crisis .
4 Qualitative factors call for the exercise of managerial judgement , and decisions involving value considerations should be taken , or at least reviewed , at a higher management level .
5 All of these things demand the application of human gifts and call for the experience , skill and taste which categorize the craftsman .
6 The requirement for a research perspective which this necessarily entails , the relating of abstraction to actuality , the use of technique to realize principle , and indeed the whole process of self-monitoring , presupposes attitudes and abilities which call for the education and not just the training of teachers .
7 I call for the report on the panel on doctrine on page one hundred and eighty five to be presented by Dr Stuart .
8 They call for the setting of tough targets for improving energy efficiency and recycling materials , as well as other specific action .
9 In this section , we shall present four types of evidence which plainly call for the distinction to be observed .
10 Sometimes during the night someone from Wouldham would run down to the opposite bank and call for the Doctor .
11 Call for the Police .
12 The UN proposals call for the island 's Greek-Cypriot south and Turkish-Cypriot north to be re-united under a federation comprising territorial zones for each community .
13 ‘ And what if I call for the steward ? ’
14 Both reports argue for trade governed by multilateral rules and call for the completion of the Uruguay round of trade talks .
15 According to sources close to the negotiating process , the talks broke apart in May 1989 , when the Panamanian side made it clear that the bases would be shut down — as permitted in the 1977 treaties which call for the closing of all US bases in the year 2000 .
16 The key point being made with these examples is that decisions involving qualitative factors call for the use of judgement by the manager .
17 While Microsoft 's plans call for the groupware-enabling of all its applications so that they work together , Wordperfect thinks this is fundamentally misguided .
18 And what it also does is is as you call off the numbers if you 've got .
19 In the evening , I call into the Oedipus Bull .
20 Call into the shop today and find out for yourself , or Telephone : 061 and speak to NIKKI OR PHILL or write to : FOREST AVIATION , FREEPOST , NORTH PARADE , NORRIS ROAD , SALE , M BT. ( no stamp needed )
21 I have sweet soap here and hot water , and either you wash yourself , all over , or I call in the women to hold you down and scrub you myself .
22 When we are asked for assistance we call in the Services ’ social services people , the SSAFA ( Soldiers ' , Sailors ' and Airmen 's Families Association ) , who decide what help is needed , and we provide it . ’
24 Anywhere in between and you 'll need to take a long hard look or call in the professionals .
25 Obviously we do n't want to see the club die but Flashman 's latest antics are so disgraceful that we are nearing the stage where we call in the DTI .
27 Residents call in the vermin squad
28 Organisations will call in the experts when things go wrong , as they now call in the people who install and mend lifts , photocopiers and the vending machines that dispense undrinkable fluids .
29 The lady prioress would deny the charge , and call in the sheriff or some local justice she has in her power .
30 Ten o'clock call in the morning .
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