Example sentences of "try [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 CICS for OS/2 is not the only ‘ middleware ’ that IBM was touting at the end of March ; the company continued the theme by unveiling the first implementations of its Message Queue Interface , dubbed the MQSeries , and said that it will try to promote them as a cross-system standard .
2 There are problems with designating these as new phyla , not least that nobody can define a phylum objectively , and my own view is that , marvellous though these animals are , we should still try to relate them to other organisms ( fossil and living ) .
3 The aim of the three-to-seven-year leasing programme is to free 1,250 pubs from the brewers ' tie before the November deadline , rather than try to sell them into a depressed market .
4 We do not try to put them into a common framework , and it is difficult to conceive of any satisfactory empirical tests .
5 You may find that older dogs are nervous under these circumstances , if they have never been on a train or bus before , and you should always try to reassure them with your tone of voice .
6 Jerry Fodor , who thrives on ‘ propositional attitudes ’ should try to deploy them in rewriting ‘ Tyger , Tyger burning bright . ’
7 Do not try to form them into any sort of order ; merely pick them out and write them down .
8 Or where do I — can I write down an address on a piece of paper and I will try to mail them from the hotel .
9 Girls from orthodox Muslim and Sikh families feel this most strongly ; they also fear that through some misunderstanding their parents might try to withdraw them from school altogether , cutting off their lifeline to the outside world .
10 ‘ If he wanted the stars in the sky , ’ one parent told me , ‘ you would try to get them for him . ’
11 At present , we do n't have our addresses in Nanking and Shanghai , but will try to get them in advance , so that we can let you know how to contact us .
12 Let us imagine that I have the misfortune to be born or to have settled in Portugal ; being an enlightened philosopher I dislike the institutions there ; should I try to change them by political subversion ?
13 We may try to explain them by pointing to the place they occupy in the larger narrative .
14 They are very difficult to destroy although the enemy may try to attack them with other engines of war , large monsters or magic for example .
15 Why did they not rather try to recruit them into the STA in some way , as a separate women 's branch for instance , as in the past ?
16 May we try to show them by our own example that there is something good in everyone .
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