Example sentences of "nobody 's [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The great thing about writing sport for Punch is that people ca n't say it 's not as funny as it used to be , because nobody 's done it before , ’ he said .
2 Nobody 's suggesting we do that , that would be a ludicrous situation .
3 Nobody 's suggesting he is a traitor , he 's one of our very best men .
4 and nobody 's getting it and , and the worst war shall why , why me water , gon na waste water
5 Nobody 's seen her for a week , and she 's not taken any of her stuff . ’
6 Nobody 's criticising you nobody 's making I 'm not making a criticism of her cos at the end of the day right if we now talking the scenario that we 're painting now let's take this girl on , not girl girl on right , you can have cos she 's far more impressive .
7 Nobody 's stopping them building it up .
8 When Goff countered , ‘ Nobody 's stopping you , ’ Minton insisted they were .
9 Now these Easter eggs , I hope nobody 's touching them !
10 I , I , if nobody 's looking I 'll keep the paper because you can always .
11 Nobody 's forcing you to drink Toby .
12 and the best thing is that nobody 's doing it , everybody 's doing cabaret spots along the line jokes and stuff like that , but nobody 's not doing cabaret spots with trumpets
13 Nobody 's blaming her , of course , but she still feels bad about it . ’
14 Nobody 's visiting you , I hope . ’
15 Another thing about smoking , although nobody 's denying it 's bad for you , is the fact is that , it 's overwhelming the core of women who smoke , who also have worst diets , they also tend to have worse stress , it 's used as a very convenient scapegoat .
16 Nobody 's denying you did good work on that blend .
17 and when she went over she says er school being off , she heard er David saying something about well nobody 's keeping me from my ironing .
18 Nobody 's keeping you . ’
19 Nobody 's told her .
20 She said , ‘ Nobody 's putting me in no garbage can . ’
21 As she walked past his crumpled body she had said again , ‘ Nobody 's putting me in no garbage can . ’
22 I 'm warm and free and there 's lights and people , and nobody 's asking me questions .
23 Nobody 's asking you to be anything less .
24 Nobody 's asking you to marry me , ’ she said stiffly .
25 Nobody 's criticising you nobody 's making I 'm not making a criticism of her cos at the end of the day right if we now talking the scenario that we 're painting now let's take this girl on , not girl girl on right , you can have cos she 's far more impressive .
26 Nobody 's finding it very easy to meet him at the moment , ’ said Charlotte .
27 Nobody 's charging you with anything . ’
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