Example sentences of "provide [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , they could be said to be implicit justifications of an almost fully formulated nature , in that they provide reasons for the existence of the monarchy and its ceremonial occasions .
2 They provide coverage of the Earth between 82°N and S latitude , providing information about areas to which access on the ground might be difficult or expensive .
3 The modules provide experience in the broadest definition of enterprise activity and need not be confined to the setting up of a profit-making business venture .
4 These differences , together with the serious physical health consequences and metabolic abnormalities associated with vomiting and purging , provide support for the DSM-IV subtyping of anorexia nervosa .
5 Dairy cows are kept to supply the dairies which provide milk to the large industrial towns .
6 Yet the campaigns of the 1340s and 1350s do not seem to have generated such political tension at home : victory and profit undoubtedly provide part of the explanation , but so too do changes in the methods of military recruitment and a conciliatory approach on the part of the king to the question of taxation .
7 The distinction between supervision and review and the discussion of the differing roles of the Court of Appeal and House of Lords provide part of the answer to this question .
8 Housing , health and social work each provide part of the finance and the management of the project may be by a committee representing all three authorities or may be taken on by one of the participating organisations or by a voluntary body which specialises in carrying for dementia sufferers .
9 And they provide part of the norm against which we can evaluate our attempts at organised , careful , refined , precise expression .
10 Some are comprehensive like AVC while others provide part of the total multimedia solution .
11 Not only does packaging provide protection for the product , but it can also reinforce the brand image and the point-of-sale attraction to the buyer .
12 Choose a pair of combination pliers with fine and coarse serrated jaws and a wire cutter near the pivot point ; plastic hand grips make them more comfortable to use , and also provide protection against the risk of shock during electrical jobs .
13 The breakwater and pier provide protection from the worst weather and sea conditions , dissipating the high seas and swell caused by gales from the north , east and south .
14 On the other hand , thirteenth-century French " dramatic monologues " which provide parallels to the mixture of metres — octosyllabic couplets and tail-rhyme stanzas — of Dame Sirith have been discovered , and it is difficult to resist the case that these had some contributory influence on the form of Dame Sirith .
15 Although it is the traditional culture which continues to manage the western world , Snow argued , only science can feed that world , create wealth , provide hope for the poor and the sick , and forge the essential links between intellect and practicality which make for a proper wisdom and awareness of moral and social issues .
16 The failure of Keynesianism to account for and provide solutions to the growing problem of stagflation .
17 They provide uniformity across the group .
18 There is however , as always , a number of devoted and sincere people who believe all the teachings and claims of the associated church , and give it complete support , that is , attend the services and other gatherings , provide funds to the limit of their abilities and endeavour to preserve something of that precious atmosphere which pervades all ancient places of worship .
19 To friends , though , Law appeared very differently , and the people who became his friends provide testament to the fact ; he was very close with both Max Aitken and David Lloyd George , neither of whom was very likely to enjoy the company of a gloomy boor .
20 The fact that architecture can be entertaining and provide pleasure to the public is not in direct conflict with the art of architecture .
21 There are several causes of bedwetting which can occur in combination and provide indication for the most effective form of treatment .
22 These changes in turn provide signals to the cell nucleus , which results in the activation , first of a number of immediate early genes , and later the genes required for the synthesis of new synaptic membrane constituents , especially glycoproteins .
23 However , while receptor sites have been found in higher animals which provide feedback on the quality of the food , such sites have not been found in fish .
24 management accounts which provide data for the efficient and profitable operation of the business .
25 Some published language tests provide data regarding the variability to be expected in test scores if the test were to be repeated on the same child at relatively close intervals .
26 It follows , after some algebra , that the following two theorems provide bounds on the overall moduli :
27 However , the approximate fields generated by conveniently chosen polarizations may be inserted in the classical extremum principles ( minimum potential energy and minimum complementary energy ) to bound the overall energy and consequently provide bounds for the overall moduli .
28 warm-up questions which also provide practice for the Interview , Paper 5
29 4 Motivating contextualized exercises involving new or familiar characters — or the students themselves — provide practice in the new structure .
30 The scope for those activities is wide-ranging and students will be encouraged to undertake activities which provide opportunities for the use and development of interpersonal skills .
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